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"Be You"
It's amazing to me at 33 years old how much I am still learning about myself. I am very thankful for the mystery because it is beautiful, intriguing, mind-blowing, humbling, extraordinary, scary, exciting, amazing... words really cannot express or do justice to what this life has to offer. God, I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2016 at My Blog
Is it just me or is there something oddly comforting in clinging to the familiar? Even if something isn't necessarily making you happy, you just don't want to let it go. Maybe it isn't making you unhappy but for some reason it makes you feel like you are less to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2016 at My Blog
For such a long time I have been keeping this list of things I would like to do. Things that interest me personally. Things other people would likely think were a bit odd. Weird. And I have been putting them off. I realize now, mostly because I have been so... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2016 at My Blog
AprilDawn is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 30, 2016
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