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Level Float Sensory Spa
Seattle, Washington,98101
At Level Float Spa, we offer our patrons an exceptional float spa experience, in which a sensory deprivation tank is used to restrict the body of its physical senses. In so doing, the body’s central nervous system is rapidly relaxed. When the body’s central nervous system is relaxed, the entire body is then influenced into a state of total peace, tranquility and relaxation. In addition to our sensory deprivation therapies, Level Float Spa is proud to be the only Float Spa in the world that also offers Neuro Pod therapy which also acts to greatly alleviate stress levels and helps to fight off fatigue. Neuro Pod therapy is also known as “sensory stimulation” and has been proven to help mitigate a number of illnesses, one of which is insomnia. Today, people use Neuro Spas to combat a growing number of health issues both in an acute and preventative fashion. Both therapies offered at Level Float Spa are effective in their own right, but in order to experience the most potent display of our spa treatments, we recommend using both our Float Spa and Neuro Spa in conjunction, based of course on your own specific needs.
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Jul 23, 2017