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Santa Cruz, CA 95062
We are a fully licensed and insured tree service company willing and able to assist you with all of your tree care needs. We have been serving Santa Cruz, Monterey and Santa Clara counties for nearly 30 years. Our estimators are all ISA certified arborists and are extremely knowledgeable in all facets of tree care. We offer free estimates tailored to suit the individual needs of each customer, using the current industry standards and techniques. Servicing Santa Cruz county including Santa Cruz, Capitola, Soquel, Live Oak, Aptos, Watsonville, Corralitos, Scotts Valley, Felton, Boulder Creek, Ben Lomond, Bonny Doon and Davenport. Give us a call today or fill out the form on the right hand side of the page and we'll get back to you! ----------> 831-508-8995
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lewistreeserviceinc is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 26, 2016