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London, England
An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about threats to liberty in Britain
Interests: liberty, travel, photography, writing
Recent Activity
Thank you, CherryPie. Wise words.
The Future
Miss Paine the Elder and her life partner have chosen the name of my granddaughter - due to join us on December 9th - but will not share it with anyone until she is actually born. So for now she is codenamed "Boudicca" – Miss Paine the Younger's jocular suggestion when told they wanted a "tradit...
Stumpy, you make a perceptive observation I wish I could refute. When I started the blog I thought of myself as a winner. I had a career I loved and a little family I loved even more. My personal duties fulfilled, I approached my blogging as a modest use of my strengths for the good of a wider society.
Since my late wife died, I have had my moments but no lasting wins. I refuse to become a victim, but I admit it’s hard to maintain my innate optimism at times. I don’t doubt the ideas, you understand. I just doubt my strength to uphold them.
The blog helps me by connecting me to like minds. There are none among my immediate friends. It’s not that they’re hostile exactly. They just think my ideas are simplistic and naive. They may not be entirely wrong but I can’t help but notice that they take no principled stands on anything and so I worry it may be the idea of principles that they find a naive concept!
Without my readers and commentators, I would be very isolated indeed and might (if I’m honest) be gaslit into submission.
The look in the eyes of friends and family when I express ideas that Smith or Locke or Paine would consider uncontroversial is disheartening. A couple of generations have now been “educated” to regard the ideas of twenty years ago (let alone two hundred years ago) as ancient, irrelevant history. It seems weird and naive to me to think the present state of human development (still good in many ways - poverty is declining and life expectancy rising) is all do do with the living and nothing to do with those who came before us.
Thank you for your kind suggestion. A London blog meet would be fun if enough readers are up for it. But please don’t treat it as a support group. As I say, I refuse to be a victim! I’m now uneasy that I may perhaps have over shared!
The Future
Miss Paine the Elder and her life partner have chosen the name of my granddaughter - due to join us on December 9th - but will not share it with anyone until she is actually born. So for now she is codenamed "Boudicca" – Miss Paine the Younger's jocular suggestion when told they wanted a "tradit...
Legalising assisted suicide: Theory and Practice
Legalising assisted suicide would be a profound moral error - spiked. One of the fundamental ideas of libertarianism is self-ownership. If you have legal capacity to decide (i.e. you are adult and sane) then you can do what you like with yourself and your body. If you want to mutilate... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
Sackerson, the point about the Russian Orthodox Church is well-made. Generations of believers walked past its gates with a sneer during Soviet times, in case they were being watched. Now they practise their faith openly. The young man mentioned in my post was doing something similar in sight of his woke teachers.
The Future
Miss Paine the Elder and her life partner have chosen the name of my granddaughter - due to join us on December 9th - but will not share it with anyone until she is actually born. So for now she is codenamed "Boudicca" – Miss Paine the Younger's jocular suggestion when told they wanted a "tradit...
Thank you, Pogo.
The Future
Miss Paine the Elder and her life partner have chosen the name of my granddaughter - due to join us on December 9th - but will not share it with anyone until she is actually born. So for now she is codenamed "Boudicca" – Miss Paine the Younger's jocular suggestion when told they wanted a "tradit...
Chromatistes, wouldn't I have to be Zeus's dad to be grandfather to a Perseus? My vanity never reached quite those heights.
The Future
Miss Paine the Elder and her life partner have chosen the name of my granddaughter - due to join us on December 9th - but will not share it with anyone until she is actually born. So for now she is codenamed "Boudicca" – Miss Paine the Younger's jocular suggestion when told they wanted a "tradit...
The Future
Miss Paine the Elder and her life partner have chosen the name of my granddaughter - due to join us on December 9th - but will not share it with anyone until she is actually born. So for now she is codenamed "Boudicca" – Miss Paine the Younger's jocular suggestion... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
A crisis of Britishness
Margaret Thatcher famously quoted Kipling's Norman and Saxon to President Mitterand of France in an EU meeting; The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite. But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right. When he stands like an ox in... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
It depends on which immigrants, really.
Politics latest news: People want immigration controls, Tony Blair warns Keir Starmer. One of the joys of growing up working class (middle class in the American sense) and becoming middle class (in the British sense) is that – from your weird bubble where neither the people you grew up with,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
An election that's hard to bear
As I walked home from casting my vote, I felt sad. I live in a solid Labour seat so had no hope of my vote counting. I am used to that. In my life as a voter, I have rarely – under Britain's first-past-the-post system – been on the winning... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
Why the French are so pessimistic | The Spectator
Why the French are so pessimistic | The Spectator. The most striking thing is the skilled and marvellous way France maintains the public realm. From pavements to lighting, to high streets and motorways and serious infrastructure, France gleams. Frankly, given the choice, I’d rather live in a French roundabout than... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
Sun Tzu's Art of War is one of my favourite books. I used to give a copy to each new member of my team, back in the day. It is full of ideas as useful in business negotiations as in war. So I guess you're being reminded of some specific Machiavellian piece of ancient Chinese wisdom rather than the whole work!
My favourite piece of advice was that if your enemy's retreat is blocked and the only material you have is gold, "build him a golden bridge". Say what you like about Sun Tzu, he was all about keeping the fighting to a minimum. Indeed, "To win without fighting is best".
The most Sun Tzu-like advice I was ever given in my life came from a distinguished City lawyer for whom I once worked. He said he could see I liked to win an argument, but that I took it too far. I wanted my opponent to acknowledge his defeat. That's silly, he said. "The best way to win an argument is for your opponent only to realise, weeks later as he takes a leisurely bath, that he lost".
Pride comes before a fall
As the chairman of my university Conservatives in England, I led my members on a march to legalise homosexuality in Scotland and Northern Ireland. That dates me. The law was not changed for Scotland until 1980, or for Northern Ireland until 1982. It was of course already legal in England & Wales...
Pride comes before a fall
As the chairman of my university Conservatives in England, I led my members on a march to legalise homosexuality in Scotland and Northern Ireland. That dates me. The law was not changed for Scotland until 1980, or for Northern Ireland until 1982. It was of course already legal in England... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
Prague is more popular with tourists but Budapest is a great city too. I have happy memories of it.
Prague at last
I set off from Ansbach at 0815 am after an excellent German breakfast. The journey to Prague was predicted to be three hours and forty minutes. I was hoping to arrive in time to have lunch with an old friend and didn't fancy my chances of parking near the restaurant. My plan was to arrive early...
Juneteenth and reflections on slavery
This (republished from four years ago) article from The Cato Institute set me thinking. I was happy to be introduced to a word in ancient Sumerian — ama-gi. This is the way the concept of freedom was first expressed in writing. Interestingly it connoted (amongst other things) release from slavery,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
Thanks Mark and MarkC. Much appreciated. One of my English friends tells me I’m going to enjoy singing “the lonely goatherd” to my grandchild when telling him or her the story. I’ll have to practise my yodelling in preparation. I’m certainly going to look for a soft toy goat as a first gift.
Home again. Travel Mode OFF
My journey got off to a bad start when a group of us were given the wrong directions to our section of the car deck on our ship. Speranza was right at the front of deck 4 and my late arrival held people up. How embarrassing, The drive from Plymouth to London can be summed up by this screenshot...
Greg, Thank you. As a libertarian (classical liberal, who still believes the things that made the West rich) I wouldn’t really wish Soviet *anything* on anyone. Particularly as the 11 years in post-communist Poland where I was lucky enough to become your friend were highly educational for me. I was humorously suggesting that Britain’s state apparatchiks should be consistent, rather than just stealing the bits of Soviet thought that suit them! I loathe the kind of sociopath attracted to jobs that involve being paid with money taken by state force from fellow citizens while bossing them about, but I wouldn’t really wish a gulag or a firing squad on them. I’d prefer something for them they’d hate even more — earning an honest living in a competitive environment.
Home again. Travel Mode OFF
My journey got off to a bad start when a group of us were given the wrong directions to our section of the car deck on our ship. Speranza was right at the front of deck 4 and my late arrival held people up. How embarrassing, The drive from Plymouth to London can be summed up by this screenshot...
Home again. Travel Mode OFF
My journey got off to a bad start when a group of us were given the wrong directions to our section of the car deck on our ship. Speranza was right at the front of deck 4 and my late arrival held people up. How embarrassing, The drive from Plymouth... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
All at sea
If it were not for my worrying about Speranza’s wellbeing I might have enjoyed my Santander hotel. The bed was comfy, the shower was so good I’m thinking of having my own restyled to match it and the air conditioning eventually worked. They also provided a nice breakfast though such... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
That’s falls into the same category as my mum being nasty — not applicable. The breakfast was good though.
Onward to the voyage home
Breakfast in Bilbao was a noisy affair. Out on the hotel terrace, enjoying the cool air and views of the river, my ears were assailed by the horns of cars driving up and down the opposite bank with red and white balloons. I know those are the colours of Atletico Bilbao but their last match was t...
Onward to the voyage home
Breakfast in Bilbao was a noisy affair. Out on the hotel terrace, enjoying the cool air and views of the river, my ears were assailed by the horns of cars driving up and down the opposite bank with red and white balloons. I know those are the colours of Atletico... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
Bilbao baby
I rose at a sensible hour; showered, dressed and loaded the car. My remote room left me out of the way of early-morning childcare so Babička's grandchildren were up, fed and dressed by I appeared. Young sir remembered my name from yesterday and politely asked if he could drive Speranza.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
Thank you Amanda. Deo violenti, I will.
Mission accomplished, now for home.
This trip came about because Babička told me her plans to visit Czechia for an arts course and then rendezvous with her daughter in Aquitaine to meet her new granddaughter. I was looking for a road trip to celebrate passing 100,000 miles in Speranza. This is sadly not something that happens to ...
Thanks Chromatistes. Still four days of driving jeopardy to go before we’re safely home…
Mission accomplished, now for home.
This trip came about because Babička told me her plans to visit Czechia for an arts course and then rendezvous with her daughter in Aquitaine to meet her new granddaughter. I was looking for a road trip to celebrate passing 100,000 miles in Speranza. This is sadly not something that happens to ...
Mission accomplished, now for home.
This trip came about because Babička told me her plans to visit Czechia for an arts course and then rendezvous with her daughter in Aquitaine to meet her new granddaughter. I was looking for a road trip to celebrate passing 100,000 miles in Speranza. This is sadly not something that... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2024 at THE LAST DITCH
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