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Our official advice to students and staff is from the APA style website that advises linking to the paper homepage to avoid broken links.
I realise the style guidelines are in the process of being updated and wondered which direction this piece of advice is likely to go? i.e. Using a full link to the article, or linking to the homepage of the paper?
How to Cite a News Report
by David Becker Have you ever seen a news report that just happened to relate to the topic of a paper you were writing? Did you really want to cite that report but just didn’t know how? For example, say you were writing a paper on psychological disorders and their treatments throughout history....
Our official advice to students and staff is from the APA style website that advises linking to the paper homepage to avoid broken links.
I realise the style guidelines are in the process of being updated and wondered which direction this piece of advice is likely to go? i.e. Using a full link to the article, or linking to the homepage of the paper?
How to Cite a News Report
by David Becker Have you ever seen a news report that just happened to relate to the topic of a paper you were writing? Did you really want to cite that report but just didn’t know how? For example, say you were writing a paper on psychological disorders and their treatments throughout history....
Librarian_bro is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 17, 2017
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