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Northeast, USA
The creator of Lilolu, and Stumbled Upon Savings. Take a peek and share some inspiration.
Interests: I am a mother of three lovely kids, a wife to my best friend - who happens to be one of the funniest people I know. I seek to inspire and be inspired. Life is beautiful and I plan to soak it up as much as I can.
Recent Activity
Very pretty!
1 reply
Welcome, Jenifer. I agree, they are cute. I printed them out and have them posted on our bulletin board. My kids love them! I'm so glad you enjoy our site and I hope you do come back. ☮ Jackie
I can't figure out the ping or pong either. we sliced up 3 watermelons and neither of them where ready. Perhaps I'll have better luck next year. I curious about the "chechup" (so cute). I'll have to try it.
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2011 on in my kitchen at SouleMama
1 reply
This is a wonderful shop.
1 reply
Lilolu added a favorite at A Beautiful Mess
Aug 1, 2011
Hello, Ramona. I found it to be fun and beneficial. If you are interested in the future, please email me. If your not sure what you would like to write about, many Guest Bloggers do a reblog and just tweak it a smidge.
Toggle Commented Jul 30, 2011 on Calling All Bloggers at Stumbled Upon Savings