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This year is the 30th anniversary of PacMan... What was the first video or computer game you were really into? How serious were you?
how will u feel wen u like someone alot but u cant be with him or hurts so much like a frnd of mine was tellin me abt her experience with a crazy doe she said and she wants to be with him.all i told her was be... Continue reading
Reblogged May 25, 2010 at Liltina4real's blog
This year is the 30th anniversary of PacMan... What was the first video or computer game you were really into? How serious were you?
how will u feel wen u like someone alot but u cant be with him or hurts so much like a frnd of mine was tellin me abt her experience with a crazy doe she said and she wants to be with him.all i told her was be careful it might be lust not why will a gal go the extra mile for a guy and he dont act like he care......people dont know what they have until u loose if u know u love a gal hold her tight cos your homeboi gat an eye for her too.lesson of the day.if u love someone say it loud.. Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2010 at Liltina4real's blog
Liltina4real is now following The Typepad Team
May 25, 2010
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