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Interests: movies, books, cooking, cocktails, history, gardening, quilting, 1965 pop culture, vintage advertising, poetry, william holden, frank sinatra, buffy the vampire slayer, the x-files, star trek: the next generation
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Oppressive heat so thick you could see it He applied and wore like a suit Or a glamour luring me closer drawing me to him like a blossom to sunshine The steam from his pores clouded my vision Blindly I followed his lead Coaxed by the scent of fervid nectar... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2023 at elements in harmony
Yesterday and last night, all the leaves fell from my tree, opening the door to what’s behind. A startling transformation— the shell of a once cozy home, treasured comforts all burned away in a flash No private life laid wounded and bare, a stout colorful prospect instead reveals Summer’s demise... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2023 at elements in harmony
I typed most of this last night but thought, meh, it can wait til morning. It having occurred to me that I have two days off in a row, I decided to do little to nothing else for the rest of the day. I can do things tomorrow. I had... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2019 at the bussard collector
I have two days off from the job I go to now. Today I will do things and tell you about them. So far, mainly, I had a mocha, read some stuff online, fed the dog, filled and ran the dishwasher, thought about numbers and sadness, and looked at this... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2019 at the bussard collector
If ever I get in the mood to talk for longer than 280 characters about the White House evil, I'll go back to antiquated notions and do it there. I kinda feel like being a little more personal and intimate in this one; light-hearted and sincere in turn, etc. They... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2019 at the bussard collector
I just realized I never did post my July 4 food here, though I did on Instagram, a little. So here is the pistachio gelato I made. I enjoyed it. It was a long tough summer that is pretty much just now ending, and it promises to be a long... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2019 at the bussard collector
I'm collecting recipes for meal plans, some cook ahead things, fresh ideas, etc. for an eating template. It'll be an unholy combo mid-century/Mediterranean thing because that's actually just what I do only with some Cuban, Tex-Mex, and various Asian flavors thrown in, but anyway. I have been looking online at... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2019 at the bussard collector
Here's something worth a half hour of your time today. It's a citizenship ceremony at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum in New York that was held one week after the 2016 presidential election. The embedding here didn't code correctly, so start at 37:13 for an introduction and award given... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2019 at the bussard collector
I needed a fresh space to begin a different sort of blog, though I can't say yet just what it will be. I expect sometimes personal and sometimes impersonal. Like me in reality. This short article about immigrants and ice cream begins by stating that many immigrants at Ellis Island... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2019 at the bussard collector
A 2022 edit: The term "Indian Summer" is, of course, not quite the done thing in terms of current cultural positivity. But as a metaphor, it's a fairly exacting thing. I've been musing for ages over just the right phrase to substitute for it, as it speaks to me fairly... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2019 at elements in harmony
personal chatterings food, fabric, and a bit of paint poetry/poetic bits instagram Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2019 at life, the universe, and everything
This can go somewhere, once I piece it all together and apply some glue. It might seem odd to post something so obviously unfinished, but somehow that felt like...part of what it is. I mean to work on it, though. Not of pristine ivory, coldly sensual, massaged into being with... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2018 at elements in harmony
Something to work on, perhaps... Somber leaden sky compresses my budding spring enthusiasm into a flat shapeless unrecognizable thing. That Ohio Valley sunshine— brief reprieve, or respite, always tantalizes with the promise of more, then follows through as poorly as an eager fickle lover I am ever credulous and ever... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2018 at elements in harmony
mood indigo, 1997 muted music floating up from the room below dancing, swaying, tipsy together across this creaky floor, and you, whispering tasty lies, nibbling my ear, tellling me all those things every wide-eyed girl in her best blue dress yearns to hear. Should I be astonished, or pleased, or... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
Writing a decent or at least readable poem is, for me, both done in an instant, and rarely ever finished. I like sharing my thought process, and I hope someone out in the ether enjoys seeing early formations and later iterations created slowly outside of any useful timeframe. Epochs undefined.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
Just to get on the board, a bit of nonsense, wish I felt like doing it right. willful attack of malaise whose will? not my own drifted far from reality reins slipped from my hands no bargain made no measure taken no treasure left behind— and just as pointless if... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
Now is now, In luxury, taking deep breaths Learning to breathe deeply all over again at least for today today is today tomorrow’s wheezing just a concept like tomorrow’s lunch and dinner yesterday’s forgotten nature it’s all one and the same— Wu wei, sprezzatura, chickadees, chicken breasts a tree with... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
Today I learned of the death two years ago of someone I once knew, barely and briefly. I can see her face, almost, skimming over the surface of a previous decade I remember her glasses and her long hair and looking down at her as she spoke with quiet nervous... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
Autumn arrived this morning on a crisp steady wind. Birds crowd the feeders with messy greedy fervor, leaves drift from trees to form a light blanket over the tangled grass, sorely in need of a final trim before winter rest. This afternoon’s rain will bite rather than soothe. Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
Something I started in 2014, decided to experiment with it for awhile. It might be a poem, eventually. Got to detangle and simplify, and so forth. Inhaling, eyes squeezed shut, time imperceptibly halts a bicycle with muddy tires appears, and you, panting with effort, having just avoided careering off the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
Cloak loosely knit, leaves safeguard Summer's solace sharply angled sun's warmth rendered frail Laid to bare, her Eden stripped and cheerless Harsh mirror reflects cracks beneath the veil Stiff from chilled air hands craft ersatz beauty awkward schemes to echo artless youth In wintertime her grace is draped in duty... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
@2000 words Mary came into the studio half covered in paint. Violet was there that afternoon, and she made cocoa for herself and Mary. They sat and talked awhile, as Jack was downstairs in the theatre, consulting with someone about lights. Mary said, “I sometimes forget to change my clothes... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
1051 words “It’s been awhile since I thought all this through, I mean, nearly ten years, but I remember that whole weekend very well. As it turned out, it was the last time Kaitlyn and I spent any real time together. It was clear we were taking different paths. We... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
Read the 488 word prologue first, in the post before this one. And I forgot to mention; I wrote it in 2013, but set it ten years ahead. At the time, I had a reason for that which is now a bit fuzzy in my mind. 1415 words “I grew... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony
488 words "How much of this experience do you remember?" "Oh, all of it! I couldn't forget it if I tried. I did try, a little. But even though a lot of the party seems murky to me, what I did afterwards is too crystal clear." "And this makes you... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2017 at elements in harmony