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Lima Travell
On its surface, Lima is no thing of beauty. A sprawling desert city clinging precariously to dusty cliffs, it spends much of the year marinated in a perpetual fog that turns the sky the color of Styrofoam.
Interests: It is loud, chaotic, and gritty; much of its architecture is bulky and gray. Foreign travelers tend to scuttle through on their way to more pastoral destinations in the Andes This is unfortunate. Lima Travel may not wear its treasures on its sleeve, but peel back the foggy layers and you’ll find pre-Columbian temples sitting silently amid condominium high-rises. Vestiges of colonial mansions proudly display lavish, Moorish-style balconies. And, here and there, graceful modernist structures channel architecture’s most hopeful era. What Lima Travel lacks in attractiveness, it makes up with a huge array of downright literary experiences. Stately museums display sublime pottery; edgy art spaces host multimedia installations. There are solemn religious processions dating back to the 18th century and crowded nightclubs swaying to tropical beats. You’ll find encyclopedic bookstores and cavernous shopping malls, well-heeled private golf clubs and baroque churches ornamented with the skulls of saints. It’s a cultural phantasmagoria with a profusion of exceptional eateries, from humble to high-brow, all part of a gastronomic revolution more than 400 years in the making. This is Lima Travel Peru. Shrouded in history, gloriously messy and full of aesthetic delights. Don’t even think of missing it.
Recent Activity
This is Lima Travel Peru. Shrouded in history, gloriously messy and full of aesthetic delights. Don’t even think of missing it. Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2010 at Lima Travell's blog
Lima Travel On its surface, Lima is no thing of beauty. A sprawling desert city clinging precariously to dusty cliffs, it spends much of the year marinated in a perpetual fog that turns the sky the color of Styrofoam. It is loud, chaotic, and gritty; much of its architecture is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2010 at Lima Travell's blog
Lima Travell is now following Account Deleted
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Rachel Happe
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Melanie
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Account Deleted
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Christopher Sleight
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Rahul Ganjoo
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Joy
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Mena
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Michael Booth
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Account Deleted
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following David Armano
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following bryanboy
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following Alex Bain
Apr 27, 2010
Lima Travell is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 27, 2010