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Vickie Limberger
Recent Activity
Hi Susan,
I have more of a question than answers. I have never been tested for fibro. I have bouts of muscle soreness, joint pain, My hips hurt, my legs and knees. Sometimes my elbows. I also have some stomach bouts with cramping and soft stools. I can go a long time without any problems then all of a sudden I am a cripple. I am only 43! The question I have is do you sometimes get a fever with these bouts? Especially after doing alot, like yard work? I am sort of the type that is afraid to go to the dr.
Thanks for your blog. I love it and read it every day.
I know that many of you who read this blog also suffer from chronic pain disorders like fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis, etc. My question is this: Have you found fibromyalgia or any of the chronic conditions to be progressive? I have been told that fibromyalgia is not progressive, that in fact...
Vickie Limberger is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 23, 2010
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