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Interests: travel, cooking, children, reading, sewing, crafts, knitting, embroidery
Recent Activity
Hi seems silly but I definitely had a tear in my eye seeing the change :(
Toggle Commented Oct 9, 2012 on Anyone out there? at Linaloo
1 reply
That was a long break. I took photographs this weekend on a beautiful family hike in the woods as is our Thanksgiving tradition and I was reminded once again how time flies. That was then, 5 years ago, when I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2012 at Linaloo
Hi Sarita they were some kind of cork finish with cardboard on the top, if that makes sense?
Toggle Commented Jun 6, 2012 on Old skool at Linaloo
1 reply
Hi Inger - sorry I didn't actually crochet any of the doilies, they are all thrifted from charity shops!
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2012 on Hooked at Linaloo
1 reply
...and that is precisely why I'm too scared to knit sweaters!!!! Good luck frogging!
Toggle Commented Feb 21, 2012 on unknitting at SouleMama
1 reply
We are making the most of a mild(ish) winter, skiing most weekends, including a visit to a new hill recently and its equally creepy and cute sentiers des toutous (teddy bear trail). We also took advantage of a sunny Saturday... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2012 at Linaloo
We are lucky to have a public tennis court 100 yards from our house which is converted into an rink every winter. The swishing and swooshing of skates on the ice is one of my favourite sounds ever. Just magical!
Toggle Commented Feb 9, 2012 on on ice at SouleMama
1 reply
Busy indeed - love the little man's hat! Hope February brings you good things!
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2012 on A busy few weeks at French Knots
1 reply
I love hat knitting too! Do I spy a homemade ice rink there?
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2012 on hat knitting at SouleMama
1 reply
Ouch! Take care!
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2012 on No matter how slow at Linaloo
1 reply
Good for you! Although I have to say running on the machine is wimping out a bit - I could probably run on the ice but it's nice to have options!
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2012 on No matter how slow at Linaloo
1 reply
I'd rather run in the cold to be honest.(although preferably not at -14C) I find running in heat pretty unbearable, I turn purple and wheezy in hot weather when I run!
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2012 on C25K at Linaloo
1 reply
Bravo Lucy! Well done. I suffer from shin splints too - I found it better to run on the grass for a while (although there's none here a the moment). Once you get used to it you can start to gradually run on the road or pavement!
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2012 on C25K at Linaloo
1 reply
original image source unknown I'm keeping up with the running...although it's pretty icy here right now, so I am very grateful for our second hand running machine in the basement. I saw this today on pinterest - so true! Just... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at Linaloo
Peekaboo you! I've always thought I might make one of these one day but have been put off by teeny tiny big are these?
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2012 on Patching it together at French Knots
1 reply
Chalkboard paint is probably considered a "not" on a hot or not list of trends these days. It's one of those things that has been done to death and this project is no exception. But I had half a tin... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2012 at Linaloo
I'm turning 40 this year and I'm suddenly feeling a bit middle aged. So I'm using a free C25K podcast to build myself up to running 5K again. Or should I say jogging. I'm not an athlete and I'm horribly... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2012 at Linaloo
We've had a very mild winter so far with relatively little snow. That all changed this week with a snowstorm on Thursday and the children's first skiing lesson today. The temperature hovered around the -18C mark with a "feels like"... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2012 at Linaloo
Hi Rachel - no craft shopping this time unforunately - although I did manage an hour in Anthropologie!
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2012 on Empire State of Mind at Linaloo
1 reply
Oh no! Hope he feels better soon. Neither of my children have really vomitted, ever. Except while we were in NYC. We let Thomas drink fanta as a special treat one evening out and guess who threw up all over the hotel walls/bed etc that night? Not pretty!
Toggle Commented Jan 10, 2012 on Don't get cocky. at kirstencan
Shortly after new year we packed up and drove to NYC to spend a few days exploring while my husband was working there. He's a fairly frequent visitor to Manhattan and this time we decided to all tag along for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2012 at Linaloo
Here's wishing him a speedy recovery. Wishing you a happy Christmas and healthy new year! Lina xox
Toggle Commented Dec 24, 2011 on Merry Christmas at French Knots
1 reply
Santa Hat brownies inspired by pinterest. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and healthy and happy new year! Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2011 at Linaloo
No snow here! I can't believe it...we may not even get a white Christmas. Am happy to hear about Downtown Abbey - we've been watching it here too. I mash swede and mix it with potato as a topping for cottage pie. Yum!
Toggle Commented Dec 17, 2011 on 162/2011 at {quilt} while you're ahead
Lina is now following SouleMama
Dec 12, 2011