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I don't why he took his life but sometimes life is so hard to live. Maybe after Soul Train he didn't know what to put his energy into.
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I don't believe this fool will be arOund in two years. He's a sohh made dumb artist.
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He really is, all movies don't have to be like that to be great
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Lol Just Give
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His no making a mark in the rap game and she won't either
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That's what 2011 was about and that's how 2012 is looking.
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If it happen he deserve it for working with those wack bitches
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Why is this stuff happening to the wrong people, why won't anyone attack the each rappers?
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Yes I did Just Give
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Blame the hospital, they let this happen. Beyonce and Jay-z always thought they were over everyone else and this just proves. For all this drama they could of had the baby at home.
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So because GUcci the coon man worked with these dumb bitches other southern artist thinks it cool. I mean come on really, I'm so glad Curresny didn't follow suit. I don't care hoe many dumb ass coons hop on songs with these bitches they will never be part of rap.
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Yea this site has really gon to hell. But its just a reflection Just Give
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Yeah this site is the reflection Just Give
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Hip hop sites are still going down I see
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I didn't know that Gucco Bastard and that DWB cd was a real cd to be sold in stores I thought it was a mixtape. Imagine my surprise when I was in Best Buy and I saw that shit on the selves like it was a real album.
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He was playing a part being an actor Just Give
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What about that movie. I kept hearing people refer to the first scene Just Give
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Wow, I didn't know he would be that old. His life was so interesting to me
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I never understand why black guys mess with white girl who act like hoodrats. I mean didn't you claim to separate from black women because didn't want to deal with so called drama. You just dating the same women but she just happen to be white. When I see that I think that person might have some self hatred.
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I swear I respect David Banner so much after seeing this video. He spoke the truth. I mean , I'm just speechless how he was hitting on all points.
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I know Im not saying u wrong with its better to be direct and says name. But Im not with giving that wack bitch props, she not hard or gangsta she a wigga Just Give
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Like I said that wack bitch said names because she protected and trying to get attention. And waka wow Wiz is probably one of the easiest people u can call out Just Give
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