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Lindsay Robertson
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Mar 15, 2010
I think it emerges at key moments. As Natalie Portman would say "Here comes the lipstick." But we should remember that behind every Penis Shark is a very unhappy other shark or animal.
It's Penis Shark: The Shark With The Penis In Its Mouth!
(Um, I'm writing on NY Mag's Daily Intel today and I tried as hard as I could to make a case for putting this there, but there was just no way. But I had to share it, so here it is.) Check it out, some people caught a shark in the Everglades and gradually realized it had a huge (other shark's?) ...
No, but something newsworthy happened on that day in 1963.
So Much Is Gonna Happen On The Next Episode Of Mad Men!
Prediction: the next episode of Mad Men, "Love Among The Ruins," will be action-packed. That's the only conclusion we can come to from the aggressively boring sneak-peek scene AMC put out to publicize it: That's the only scene they could show! I'm so excited! Is it November 22nd yet?
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