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orange eye shadow?
went to the yarn shop today for a couple of hours. i decided to give jennifer's suggestion of orange shadow for blue eyes a try. i had some sweet libertine in a bright-penny orange and used that on the upper lid up to the crease, then used bare escentuals vanilla... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2014 at silver foxes
I've been exploring the world of makeup and style in the past few months like a tween. But I'm a 47-year-old woman. I've worn makeup before but not much. But I've conquered some longtime chronic health problems in the past year (HOORAY) and am feeling better than I ever have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2014 at silver foxes
isn't he, though? i loved looking through these old photos. some of my greatest loves (well, my greatest love is mr. bee, and then my zuzu, who is not quantifiable, and of course i love the others, too) :)
happy (and sad) anniversaries
eight years ago today, we closed on our house. two days after that, we went to see some dogs that were up for adoption. we ended up bringing them home with us and moving into the house almost three weeks earlier than planned. there was this handsome guy for my handsome guy: and this silly g...
that's awesome!! does he play? banjo needs to wait until christmas at least, but a new uke, a regular soprano uke, might come sooner than that. apparently my banjo uke is great for strumming but not so much for plucking because the strings are so close together. anyway, it's fun :)
if you didn't already know, mr. bee got me a banjo...
if you didn't already know, mr. bee got me a banjo ukulele for christmas, and i love it. cannot get enough play time. it's so cheering! in addition to practicing at home for a few hours a week (usually about an hour a day during the week), i've been playing with Steel City Ukes every other wedne...
my flag arrived!
My U.S. flag arrived today! Now I get to move on with that first requirement for the Active Citizen badge. Probably not before the weekend, though, because this is the end of the fiscal year where I work and EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYTHING RIGHT NAO. It's just like being a fourth... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2012 at grown-up scout
Junior badge: Active Citizen
I was born in 1966, so I would have been a Junior Girl Scout from about 1975 to about 1977, I think. The 1963 edition of the Junior Girl Scout manual was revised slightly in 1975 to show the updated uniforms, but the text remained the same. So the manual... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2012 at grown-up scout
a grown-up scout
i've had an idea brewing for a while now that i finally verbalized a few weeks ago to some friends: i'd like to go back through the Girl Scout badge program and fulfill the requirements for all the badges. it would be good for learning and trying new things and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2012 at grown-up scout
your stories are the best part about you. good for you for making the difficult choice.
Poof, my Pinterest page is gone
I deleted my Pinterest page. Here's why. As a communications professional for more than 30 years, I've always been a stickler about copyright. I still do not understand where all the bloggers get their photos -- images from fashion shows, magazines, online stores, etc. I'm sure some are doing it...
lisabee is now following UrbanActive
Jul 3, 2011
so weird. they show up fine on my mac but not on my ipad, either. anyway, the song was indeed "you oughta know." i discovered its rage-ness back in my first marriage when i was mad at him for something (no idea what now) and it happened to come on my walkman. the bad thing about this song (as opposed to "fuck you" by cee-lo green, which is the second video posted) is that it doesn't make you laugh off your anger. just ratchets it up.
day 20: a song that i listen to when i'm angry
i know there's one more recent, but i have long appreciated the rage-venting capabilities of this alanis morissette song. but of course the more recent one is awesome.
no. no we are not.
ryan totally looks like gabe
paul ryan totally looks like gabe lewis
lisa--the one dresser is, of course, from ikea, but the two bigger ones we got at a community yard sale (not our community, one called highland park nearby) a couple of years back for $40 or $50. those along with a twin bed that we've since deaccessioned, but the whole set for 40 or 50 bucks. they're so solid and work perfectly, though there are some stains and such on the finish. i love them!
it's like i always say:
if you can't control your medical assistant, at least you can control your knitting needles. also, warning: smug zone ahead. yes, i am smug. smuggy smug smug smug. why? because i have all of my craft supplies, except for the one project beside me right now, in my actual craft room. i know! the o...
lisabee is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
after paying and clicking the button to go to my download, i get a message that the form will be sent nonsecurely. you might check with payloadz or your web host to ensure that our info is transmitted securely!
looking forward to making this. i'm in a garter-stitch phase these days.
A twice square rectangular shawl! I wanted to make something to match the beauty of the hand dyed yarns that I have collected, something that would come off the needles with almost no fuss and a minimum of finishing so that the quality, texture and the color of the yarn would be the main attr...
and look how good we turned out! :)
i'm a fan of dr. phil and his show and books. i've learned a lot and changed a lot as a result of what he's written and said. he does a lot of work on bullying—why kids bully, what happens when they do, how bullied kids can handle it, the whole spectrum. i feel so sad for the kids who get bullie...
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