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Lisa Day
Hello, I'm Lisa and this is my little corner of the web world. I'm just a little bit addicted to scrapbooking, pinterest, home decor, vintage finds, a good beer and/or a nice glass of wine! I haven't been a good blogger lately, but I'm trying to work on that. I appreciate you stopping by! I read every comment I get and try to respond personally to all of them!
Recent Activity
Looks like a lot of fun! I have a dedicated space but it's so far away from everything that i find myself setting up where everyone else is anyway!
On My Desk
My desk is actually our kitchen counter. I try my very best to clean up after myself after each crafting session. I have my supplies stored by 'type' so that helps. If I need washi tape, I just take my washi tape box off my shelf. It makes cleaning up so much easier. It is also great becau...
Steph, I a SOOO happy for you!! I've always loved MME and they are going to be even more fabulous with you on board! CONGRATS!!!!
i am so happy to share
I am so happy and so excited to share some news with you An amazing, unexpected opportunity has come my way. I have been wanting...needing a change lately. I feel like it is time to do something new. Stretch myself creatively, professionally. It's time for me to go back to work, but I didn't wan...
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