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Los Angeles
I aboslutely love big cities:)
Interests: writing, swimming, traveling, acting
Recent Activity
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Account Deleted
May 26, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Account Deleted
May 26, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Fritz Gorners
May 26, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Account Deleted
May 26, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following GLZ MALL
May 26, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) added a favorite at ShareSomeCandy
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) added a favorite at Miss.Leeza's crazy life:)
May 11, 2010
Today was one of those "ugh" kind of days, where all that you want to do is lay around and watch Soap Net. I woke up, got in the shower, then didn't feel like taking a shower, so I sat in the floor and ended up falling asleep. The next... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2010 at Miss.Leeza's crazy life:)
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Vintage Indie
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Melanie
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Patrick Ng
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Tim Dierkes
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Kim Bach Le
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Mark Thoma
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Daisy Cottage
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Claire Alcock
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Adam
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following Sendo Invitations
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following REUBEN
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following meighan
May 11, 2010
Miss.Leeza:)) is now following The Typepad Team
May 11, 2010