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Lisa Hoffman
Northern Colorado
Interests: fashion illustration, drawing, sketching, and urban sketching, painting with watercolor and various mediums, rubber stamping, creating stickers from my original artwork, movies, photography, blogging, living the artful life, an indescribably eclectic interest in books and music, pop culture (excluding the goofball stuff), designer vinyl toys, the world of imagery as in: print making, stencil-spray paint work, a passion for interesting cities and architecture, book-making, storytelling, writing and movies...oh yeah
Recent Activity
Time Flies...?
Hey BB''s been a while. I felt like I hadn't Blogged for a couple of years....turns out....2016. *Falls backwards in a Victorian Swoon*...anyway.... I've been doing the usual drawing and occasionally working with friends on design projects. I've really been... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2020 at Lisa Hoffman
This is What's Up
Keeping your Studio Table highly organized is VERY important as you can see......NOT. Some of us dive head first into our supplies. It may LOOK like chaos but I know where everything can be found. My real intention with this... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2016 at Lisa Hoffman
It's ALIVE!!!!
Well Boys and Girls, it's finally here. As many of you know, one fateful day I decided to turn a few of my paintings, sketches and drawings into stickers. It didn't take me too long to do THAT, but what... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2016 at Lisa Hoffman
Yaasssss! Congrats on SO many new Horizons crossed. Like you always say: this is less about "To Do" and more about "Ta Dah"!!!!!.....can't wait to watch your hands and see the new "Babies" in the shop!
coming soon!
New rubber stamps, stencils+masks coming soon! So excited! And my CJS video went up today!! I couldn't figure out how to add audio narrative so you don't hear me or see me, but you get to see me working. Chime in if you saw it!
looking at THIS.....
Hello Dear Readers!.... whilst I am laboring over my sticker release, I'm keeping a close eye on the fabulous, ever growing Asian Art Market. I've met so many artists and "shop keepers" around the World through my Instagram feed! Supportive... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2015 at Lisa Hoffman
Global Beauty
The handsome creature in the photo above is Peter Bellerby. He makes globes. BOY, does he make globes. After watching the beautiful video (the film makers are to be applauded) go visit his site. Trust me, you'll want to. Peter... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2015 at Lisa Hoffman
Everyone Loves....a good book!
I'll own it: refer me to a book that you LOVE and I'm in....unless of course, it involves bone-crushing pain (most Oprah Book Club choices) or violence towards anyone, especially animals...and then there are the PICTURE books. Still a sucker... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2015 at Lisa Hoffman
I'm doing THIS
As many of my Face Book and Instagram friends know, I've been dipping into my sketchbooks and transforming some drawings into stickers. Yup, they're cool again, but these aren't your mama's kitty cat stickers. They're way cooler and used in... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2015 at Lisa Hoffman
HERE I am!!! *waves and jumps up and down*
I've been away from this Blog while writing and helping design THIS one. Click over and hit BLOG in the upper toolbar. You might notice that the website is very professional, while the BLOG has a voice. Yup. That's... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2015 at Lisa Hoffman
It's piling up
I've been drawing and running hither and yon. I have a LOT to show you, but whilst ("whilst" IS a word) I take photos and try to stop scribbling long enough to actually complete a post, look at THIS delighful... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
Bravo, my Vogue Comrad! Your work keeps me
standing on my chair, clapping and fist-pumping
the air. Onward!!!!
the beauty of a harebrained scheme
Ready or not you are about to hear about "the vogue papers". I alluded to it last week when I showed you the the chair portrait project. I've got enough projects going that I need a whole filing system to keep up with them. Luckily my mind is like a steel trap from which nothing escapes. E...
The Vogue Papers
As I mentioned in the last post, Carol from the wonderful Blog TALL TALES FROM KANSAS is my Brave, Bold, Brazen and Brash companion in a project that we're calling The Vogue Papers. We're thrashing our way through the Vogue... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
Tall Tales yield Tall Fruit
Not long ago, I found myself on the road to Kansas City. Suffice to say, it wasn't a pleasure trip, but a mission. The high point (besides hugging family) was a visit with my friend Carol. You know Carol, right?... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
I'm more than happy with your fabulous drawings! I'll be using one on my Colorado Drivers License... They're WAY better than the photograph. As soon as I shake off the road dust, I'll return the favor. My time with you was the best part of my trip. Draw onward my Talented Friend. P.S. YOUR bone structure is better.
these things happen
Today I met one of my friends who has what I would call classic good looks. Good bone structure, well placed eyes, shapely brows, thick straight hair... I could go on but you know what I mean. While we were out I took her picture because I KNEW she would not mind what you are about to see. ...
Your Late Summer NewsFlash
Well, Happy Late Summer! I'm a cold weather person, so I really have to clamp my hand over my mouth when everyone starts to moan about the absense of billion degree temps, the fried grass and burning asphalt going the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
David is my Teacher, he just doesn't know it
I adore David Gentleman. He's a designer of the highest caliber. He's designed for centuries and anyone who studies the Graphic Arts will know him. If not, they've gone to a very bad school - just kidding, but seriously, he's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
3 Things that you wanna know
Oh, you're gonna thank me for THIS. In case you didn't know, PBS has launched "Vicious". It's a half hour of fast moving Farce. Micah and I couldn't hear the next lines due to the ear-splitting, Hoffman Guffawing. In the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
THIS I must see
Oh my God, you will NOT believe this. For all of my fellow Maira Kalman fans...heads UP. Those of you unfamiliar......Maira Kalman is a painter, writer, TED Talk speaker and artist in SO many ways. She's become a Cultural... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
Oh, THERE you are.....
I'm thinking that it's about time for a Summer Catch-Up!.....let's waste no time and get going, shall we? I know that I'll forget a million things, so I'll be back this weekend to update. If you've visited my Blog before,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
Get over here!
Sooooo. Let me just say this: I don't drink. Not really. I sip. Booze makes my post-west-nile heart go all wonky, BUT!....I DO hang out with very cool people. I DO make a point of trying to show up... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
she of "oh, so many Gifts"...
Sasha Pivovarova's face may look familiar. To those of us who cruise the pages of High Fashion for inspiration, she's a familiar sight indeed. A Russian beauty, Sasha not only models, but churns out stunning art on a daily basis.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
The Reconstructionists
I try to keep the daily, non-personal e-mail count down, but I DO subscribe to VERY SHORT LIST. Here's why: "VERY SHORT LIST is a delightful e-mail that shares cultural gems from a different curator every day..." Okay, I'm IN.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
what SHE said
My beloved Maira Kalman has a very outdated website and NO BLOG. I guess she's busy doing something like LIVING and making joyful art. Well, we won't hold THAT against her. If you don't know the illustrator, artist, designer Genius... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2014 at Lisa Hoffman
Wonderful. I love the patchwork look and I feel like it has a rich and deep historical reference while staying modern. The mark of any well designed graphic. You're a graphic designer and who better to take us by the hand and lead us to The Back Story. Now, where do we get the jackets?
olympic graphics
I'm fully into Olympic-watching mode....assuming you are too. The opening ceremonies were theatrical, colorful, and fabulous. Those dancing onion domes that became balloons were my favorite. I love that in recent years both film and lighting have enhanced the performance. As I observe the v...
Way too late for the giveaway. Just here to say that your ideas, designs and that craft paper journal are sky0high brilliant. I'm signing up for your craft paper journaling class...whenEVER it happens.
new stencils, a giveaway, and a hop
In 2011, it was a thrill and honor to be invited by Mary Beth Shaw to join her Stencil Girl team of designers. Today, I am equally honored to introduce a new collection! This series of stencils was inspired by contemporary and traditional stained glass windows. The openings provide opportunit...
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