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Lisa Sabin-Wilson
Wisconsin, USA
forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate
Interests: design, css, photography, scuba diving, espresso
Recent Activity
Thank you, Alisa - much appreciated!
Toggle Commented Sep 9, 2010 on Me, on TypePad! at Lisa on TypePad
1 reply
At E.Webscapes, we recently launched a custom TypePad blog design for Tarsha, who runs a blog called Writings from the FOXhole. She approached us for some design work to her TypePad templates and had a very specific look she was going for. The name of her sitecomes from her last name (FOX) and how she has viewed and lived her life (from a foxhole…a battle position). Tarsha had specific ideas that she wanted for her site, starting with the color scheme she wanted to see. She wanted a dark scheme with black, chocolate brown, gold and a dusty rose color.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2010 at Lisa on TypePad
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Shannon
Aug 12, 2009
My pleasure, Shannon - best of luck with the book!
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2009 on TypePad For Dummies at Lisa on TypePad
1 reply
Thanks to Andy Wibbels, and the folks at TypePad, for featuring my blog design services at E.Webscapes on the official TypePad Services - Independent Experts page. It's an honor to be there, along with other vastly talented consultants and designers! I've been designing custom TypePad (and Movable Type) blogs since 2002 - it's super to have my experiences and talents noticed by the folks at the top! Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2009 at Lisa on TypePad
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Rahul Ganjoo
Aug 10, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Chris Alden
Aug 10, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following artsy Amy
Aug 10, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following John Cass
Aug 10, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Claire Alcock
Aug 10, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following TypePad France
May 20, 2009
Ooh, those are nice - I especially like Last Year's Model. Love seeing what designers are doing with TypePad :) Thanks for sharing those, Mark.
Toggle Commented May 18, 2009 on 10 Fabulous TypePad Design Finds at Lisa on TypePad
1 reply
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Mark Simmons
May 18, 2009
Cranky, however, is acceptable. At company meetings, in particular.
1 reply
I've been designing custom TypePad blogs since 2004 - click on my name to see some work I've done for TypePad clients, as I just launched my own TypePad blog (finally!) Would love to help out where I can :)
Toggle Commented May 18, 2009 on Calling All TypePad Designers at Everything Typepad
1 reply
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Alex Deve
May 18, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following .tiff
May 18, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Pim
May 18, 2009
Just wanted to bring this up, as I'm not sure if it's come up. In the new Beta version - I attempted to update my credit card information in my account area and got the "We've encountered an error" message with a form to contact TypePad Support. I attempted twice, with the same result I switched back to the old version and updated my credit card information without any errors at all. Not sure if this is "Beta related" or not - just thought I would send it along. thanks - and I love the beta features :)
Toggle Commented May 18, 2009 on Give us your feedback at Feedback on the new TypePad
1 reply
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Paul Chaney
May 17, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Mena Trott
May 17, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Anil Dash
May 17, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following The Typepad Team
May 17, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is now following Beth B.
May 17, 2009
Lisa Sabin-Wilson has shared their blog Lisa on TypePad
May 17, 2009