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Brandie Butcher
I am a self taught artist living with teenage daughters in Iowa
Recent Activity
Thank you Celia
Hello you, I know it is kind of late to reply... but I am sure you will forgive me :) I know you understand how vulnerable we are when we put ourselves out there... it has been exceptionally challenging for me lately. I miss you. Take care, Brandie
Thank you Hosuli! It is very flattering to hear from someone so far away! Brandie
These are really great!
Toggle Commented Sep 27, 2012 on sweater dress series at the Creative Thursday blog
Brandie Butcher is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hey you, Wow! All I can say is that some people just don't get it... Their values are all out of wack. Keep creating, your time enriches to each and every piece... Thank you so much for your precious time put into the kind words put into your comment on my recent post.. Take care my friend, Brandie
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2009 on A 'tedious' labor at Susie's Muse
Brandie Butcher is now following sara girlscantell
Jun 29, 2009