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Deep in the heart of Texas
Herder of children, maker of things.
Interests: Sewing, Quilting, Photography, embroidery, smocking, bouquet making, poker playing
Recent Activity
Lizzie is now following Camille Roskelley
Mar 25, 2013
Well I would rename my favorite doll all the time. It was a cabbage patch that my Great Grandfather took me to buy. He knew the store owner so i got to go and pick it out before they were put on the shelves. I walked into an office and there was a stacked pyramid of Cabbage patch dolls. It was a dream come true lol.
that wee wonderfuls book & an interview
Hillary's super fantastic book is out. It's called Wee Wonderfuls: 24 Dolls to Sew and Love . It's beautiful, amazing, awesome and just plain perfect. It's the book we have been waiting for since she started blogging. Her toy book. Her doll book. Her genius book. Okay so we are friends and hav...
LOL that is a good idea! Last weekend we told the boys there would be no tv or computer until their room was clean. They woke me up at 6:40 to check their progress. Of course their room is now trashed again...
Summer sewing, pregnancy hormones and decluttering life...
Ok, so I haven't posted in 5 months but I have been busy... I planned on blogging about the Easter dress I made after being inspired by a jcrew dress with fabric roses all over it but that never happened. here's the finished dress. The summer was HOT and busy with 5 kids running around. Oh a...
Lizzie is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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