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Deep in the heart of Texas
Herder of children, maker of things.
Interests: Sewing, Quilting, Photography, embroidery, smocking, bouquet making, poker playing
Recent Activity
Lizzie is now following Camille Roskelley
Mar 25, 2013
Well I would rename my favorite doll all the time. It was a cabbage patch that my Great Grandfather took me to buy. He knew the store owner so i got to go and pick it out before they were put on the shelves. I walked into an office and there was a stacked pyramid of Cabbage patch dolls. It was a dream come true lol.
1 reply
LOL that is a good idea! Last weekend we told the boys there would be no tv or computer until their room was clean. They woke me up at 6:40 to check their progress. Of course their room is now trashed again...
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Lizzie is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010