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Sheri Aldrich
Recent Activity
Sheri Aldrich is now following Jim Suva and The Suva Files
Aug 26, 2012
Hey Jim & Pat--
This is Sheri. It is the coolest thing to see the car coming along. I wish i could see it in person every time some new photos get put up. I hope to visit Pat and it more frequently in the future now that we've met. Love your blog about it, and Pat--you're one lucky guy to have such a cool piece of authentic memorabilia. I would be so honored just to SIT in it someday when it's completed. Looking forward to that day!
Sheri Aldrich
Pat’s McKinney’s 77 Rockford Firebird Sound/Hero Car Restoration
Pat’s McKinney’s 77 Rockford Firebird Sound/Hero Car Restoration Written by Jim Suva, Brett Papworth Information for this article was provided by Pat McKinney, Brett Papworth and Rob Howe. Pat McKinney lives in Southern California. He owned one of the 1978 Firebird Formulas from th...
Sheri Aldrich is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 26, 2012
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