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Little Monique
Art. Love. Life.
Recent Activity
My twitter account changed to and my blog changed from typepad to wordpress and is now where I keep an art journal. cheers!
Toggle Commented May 13, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
My twitter account changed to and my blog changed from typepad to wordpress and is now where I keeo an art journal. cheers!
Toggle Commented May 13, 2010 on This is music I paint to. at Metric
Thanks I just read Amy Tan's The Bone Setter's Daughter and I thought it was excellent. My twitter account changed to and my blog changed from typepad to wordpress and is now where I keeo an art journal. cheers!
In one week I have found an apartment, packed and moved in. Now I have to put everything away. My husband and I are exhausted! We packed so fast that all our stuff was not organized before and certainly is not now. I am in the midst of putting it...somewhere. My husband likes his new job and I am putting together my studio. It is exciting to set everything up and think of all the creative things I will do, but I also have to set up the whole apartment and think about other stuff like bills. I feel like... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2010 at Little Monique
Little Monique is now following Account Deleted
Apr 1, 2010
Line2 gives your iPhone a second phone number -- a second phone line, complete with its own contacts list, voice mail, and so on. The company behind it, Toktumi (get it?), imagines that you'll distribute the Line2 number to business contacts, and your regular iPhone number to friends and family. Your second line can be an 800 number, if you wish, or you can transfer an existing number. via Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 25, 2010 at Little Monique
ABSTRACT: THE ART WORLD about Julie Mehretu. Eighty feet long by twenty-three feet high, Julie Mehretu’s “Mural” dominates the entrance lobby of Goldman Sachs’s new steel-and-glass office building in lower Manhattan. Hundreds of precisely defined abstract shapes in saturated colors—small dots and squares, straight and curving lines, larger geometric or free-form shapes ranging from several inches to several feet in length—move across it in an oceanic sweep. “It took me a long time—six months or so—to decide I wanted to do this,” Mehretu told the writer. Mehretu is thirty-nine, friendly, and open. “One reason was this wall, which is so... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2010 at Little Monique
In Art school I went to the Walker to see the 2002 solo exhibition of Shirin Neshat's work. I fell in LOVE with her. The dual screens, the color, the music, it was a great time then because I myself was getting into installation art and the Walker was showing some great contemporary art with women artists. I remember it was right before the Walker closed to do the big renovation. The Shirin Neshat solo show was in 2002. I then followed her to the Art and Religion lecture at the Basilica in Minneapolis. When the lecture was done I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2010 at Little Monique
Since her childhood she has studied painting techniques and the arts through her father who had also painted from a very young age. In 1996 she began to study at Llotja from Barcelona A.A.O.A. (Arts and Crafts School) specializing in sculpture. One year later Carmen Giraldez entered the University of Barcelona and graduated in 2002, from sculpture and painting. She was also pupil-assistant of sculptor Marçaginer (Marça, 1918-2006). Nowadays Giraldez works full time as a painter. She has shown her paintings in London (UK), Barcelona (Spain), Madrid (Spain), Valencia (Spain), Bilbao (Spain), Andorra la Vella (Andorra), Cleon d'Andran (France)... And... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2010 at Little Monique
Little Monique is now following DobbyJunior
Mar 16, 2010
This is music I paint to. Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2010 at Metric
Little Monique is now following Metric
Mar 16, 2010
Little Monique is now following malcolmgladwell
Mar 16, 2010
Right now my favorite authors are Esmeralda Santiago "The Turkish Lover" is the latest of her memoirs. Isabella Allende is awesome but it is when I read her trilogy of childrens books when I really appreciate her imaginative spirit. The... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2010 at NY Women's Book Club
Little Monique is now following NYWBC
Mar 16, 2010
Little Monique added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Happy Birthday!! Big Fan!!!
Mar 16, 2010
Little Monique is now following Zachary Quinto
Mar 16, 2010
Little Monique is now following Wil
Mar 16, 2010
Little Monique is now following christine and olivia
Mar 16, 2010
Little Monique is now following meighan
Mar 16, 2010
Little Monique is now following Eric
Mar 16, 2010
I find out that I have to relocate out of the cities due to my husbands job. This sucks but I think it will bring new possibilities for my art. For now though I have to pack all my art stuff up. This brings me to my new topic, the moving artist. How many times have you moved and as you are lugging the 20th wood panel that is 1/3 of your height, you've vowed that your life would be a lot easier if you never had to move all this junk! One time I moved three times in one... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2010 at Little Monique
Little Monique is now following sarah belle
Mar 13, 2010
via Warning- This is more than PG rated. This guy talking really knows how to drain the excitement of her show HA! but love that he did this on youtube. It's like Bob Ross talking about a Damien Hirst show. First of all her last name is pronounced wrong, it is M-min. He obviously knows nothing about the background of her art and why she does what she does. But what a treat to see this (for me). Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2010 at Little Monique
via Love her or Hate her (I love her) Tracey Emin Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2010 at Little Monique