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Because every girl needs a Little Pink in her life!
Recent Activity
Re: [Little Pink Studio] pamela huntington submitted a comment to "My creative space: Where Bloggers Create tour"
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I appreciate you visiting my blog!
My creative space: Where Bloggers Create tour
Hello, and welcome! I am joining in today for the first time in a few years to celebrate and tour all of the studios shared with the 7th annual Where Bloggers Create Tour! In case this is the first time you have ever visited my blog, let me introduce myself. My name is Cerri, and I have been t...
Re: [Little Pink Studio] Kate submitted a comment to "A lace pumpkin, and life lately..."
Hi, Kate!
I do have lots of hankie journal kits left, in fact, I haven’t even listed them yet. I will email you!
A lace pumpkin, and life lately...
Hello! Frankly, I can hardly believe it is fall, and even more so that it was in the 30 degree temps here last night. The weather is early for us in TN, but it really just seems as if the summer was gone in just a blink of an eye! I keep wanting to get here more often, I really do. But it se...
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