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Recent Activity
Those are ADORABLE. Thanks for your sweet comment today. xoxo
some more bags
I guess I can say that it was another good weekend, production wise. Yes, 2 more bags were made! Seriously, I had given up on making any sewing progress these days, but I'm surprising myself. Maybe I should take advantage of this new found sewing mojo and start a quilt ;-) This time aro...
Aaaaaahhhhh! "Little sparkly moments of authentic Jenniness!" LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that! So glad your finding them, noticing them, more every day. Thanks so much for sharing your journey to YOU!
I have a secret and I want to share...
Holy Cow. Hang on to your hats folks! First you all got an epiphany from me a couple of weeks ago, and now you get to find out another deep dark secret that I've never ever shared is all part of the e-course I'm taking from Liv Lane. She is challenging us to be brave and authentic an...
Liv is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 14, 2010
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