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Hey Beautiful People;) Sblily - You know I had to chase you over here and dish the gossip to you. I'm sorry yall but sblily provoked this;)..*whispers* Hmmmm Real talk..The two of them were messing around while Swizz Beatz was still married. Some months ago, maybe its been a year,his ex spilled on Twitter about him cheating and not paying child support.He divorced her so he could marry Alicia. They say the wedding is before the end of the year...maybe the divorce will be final by then.hehe Of course they deny and say the marriage was over before they got together...Mmhmm Yeah right;) But they say they're in love, he proposed and she has to be like 4 or 5 months, she's showing already so her publicist had to tell...I know....I'm terrible.;) *sips margarita* Cheers! Sorry if this is rambly,I'm kinda tipsy...I can't even contribute on the topic because Jackie's words keep criss-crossing making me dizzy,lol. =P They all look good to me right about now *Giggles* ;)
Toggle Commented May 29, 2010 on The Deuce Club, 5.28 at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Here is the number Tommy...Thank you CL :) Write this down: 888-549-3776. We are open 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. ET, seven days a week. The above is the ESPN 'Customer Service" line. Give 'em a call and voice your 'thoughts' on ESPN's coverage.
Toggle Commented May 29, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
I blew ESPN's complaint line to pieces today.I am so mad they made me miss the Rezai/Petrova match showing reruns. 7-7 in the third? Really? I ran online to read what happened so thank you guys for your posts!!*giggles* what would I do without TW?;) I'm really hoping Petrova can pull it out but she probably wont. Rezai is not going to fold, so Petrova is going to have to take it. Either way,I'm not too worried about Venus.She hasn't made it this far in 3 years,she's not going out without a fight. I pick her to beat either one of them. I'm picking Sharapova over Henin in 3 tight sets. Congrats to Alicia Keys and Swizz Beats on their engagement and baby on the way.:) On a sad note,R.I.P Gary Coleman.He lived in pain all of his life,at least he's at peace and not suffering anymore.
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Jewell - Yes you are and a lovely one at that;) I always enjoy your posts.
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Sod'sfriend - LOL, you sound so confident..I like that;) *Giggles* Mmmhmm, we can be extra tight after RG.=P hehe
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Jewell and Yellow Fuzzy - I'm happy to entertain you Beautiful Ladies...and I sincerely apologize if either of you are a guy.;) *giggles* I think I can feel lady vibes but I could be wrong.;) *hangs back up when Rafa appears again* hehe
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Sod'sfriend - I have a different scenario in mind but we will see,no?;) I hate to go against you though... We can be back tight after the French,Ok? ;) Go Nadia!!! I love to see her do well anywhere.:) But I want Rezai/Vee rematch...Go Nadia!!!
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Tennisesq - exactly. You know all they see is power,everything else they forget from tournament to tournament. =P I'm blaming Common for that too even if he has nothing to do with it...Just because;) hehe Vamos Rafa!!! Oh,he already won this match.;) *Calming down*
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Ooooh Rafa on my TV *Hangs up the phone* I'll give ESPN a little bit more of my mind after the Rafa match. :D
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Tennisesq - I'm with you looking on the bright side of ESPN since I was unable to watch Serena play earlier. The commies were saying how Georges went 3 sets against Justine a couple of weeks ago, but she couldn't get 3 games off of Serena. Serena wants this title bad,she is focused and hitting the ball with purpose,using angles,serving well....I'm with Serena for RG, I don't see anyone stopping her IMO. But one match at a time as they say. If Vee wins, I'll still be happy though.;) Boo on you ESPN,thank you for the number CL,I'm about to blow the line up right now!!!!hehe
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Colette - *shaking my head laughing at that headband comment*:)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Tennisesq - LOL, I'm with you on that but I'll probably hold my grudge until RG2011!!;) and I consider that getting off easy. =P
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
vernonbc - Thank you for easing my mind,I really want him to do well here. I know he is Rafael Nadal and all that but still. Your stats and words calmed me, I appreciate it. :) Karen - I agree with your assessment on Serena. USO was a lesson well learned.;)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Tennisesq - hehe,I saw his new movie and all I could do was think about Serena. I was seething mad and wanted him to suck because I'm bitter. I try not to hold grudges but it's too soon to forgive.;)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Karen - Thank you for the Serena excert,she was nice in her answer. I like that she didn't go down to their level and let em' have it, though she had every right to IMO. Nam1 - I haven't seen Rafa actually play yet,only SB so far....You have me worried now:(...
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
rg.nadal - But I love Marcos, his attitude and emotion makes me a fan:) Hard to root against him even for Muzz. So may the best man win!;)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
*High fives fellow Vee Fans*Yay!!:) Commies to Short Stack's fans..I'm happy to see her back ,she's a fiesty little one and I like that.;) Go Marcos!!!Go Muzz!! I'm torn..:(...Good luck Cilic;) Congrats to Fed fans:) I'm a fan of Roger myself,How can anyone not love him?;)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Vee takes the first set 6-3..Keep it up Vee
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Yay and Vee breaks! 5-3 and Congrats to Maria fans:)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Hi TripleF, I'm doing fantastic,thank you for asking.:) How are you this lovely morning?
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Go Vee! Be patient please and no walkabouts today.:)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Hehe Jenni, that girl has some pipes! I'm surprised glasses aren't shattering all over Good to see Oudin still in doubles:)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Oh, Thank you Sblily, my scoreboard had retired by his name.:)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Ferrer retired? What happened?
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
1 reply
Bye Rafadoc, don't work too hard.;)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Fat, Fit and La Monf at Peter Bodo's TennisWorld
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