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Alejandra Flores Guerrero
Recent Activity
waaa! I want that little metal bear!! kawaii!
oh! we have same ichiban & niban >.< hahaha!
arashi: keikarou trip and aiba's drama!~
another quick post XD today spent the whole day at Keikarou and Chiba.. we spent the whole day in line only be able to get in around 5.30pm met Aiba's mom she is CHO KAKOII...totally adore her...Aiba really got her looks and height... some pics XD last but not least me with my...
totally agree with you!!
Aiba looks gorgeous in this pv!!
Arashi: Lotus
seriously how hot can HE be? *nosebleed* shoot killed me over and over again with that face of yours XD So it's leaked and somehow kind of guessed it either yesterday or today... Was happy with the PV but not really impressed with both of the coupling songs... I was kind of lo...
Oh chan se ve superbien en su visita a NY!!!
los años le sientas muy bien!!!!
Gracias por compartir las imagenes Marjae ^^
OMG!!!! MIL GRACIAS!!!!! ame las imagenes en backstage!!!!!
파미쿠라회지 No.51
Alejandra Flores Guerrero is now following mamasan
Feb 17, 2011
estan muy bonitas estas picus de Nino ^^
2010 1227 only star
waaaa!!! kawai!!!!!!!
thanks ^^
1102 more
assdasdadadsdad! Arigatou ne!!
HELLO MINNA!!! Espero que disfruten su visita a mi AIBAVOX XD ¡Estaré esperando sus comentarios! ok, realmente odio hacer esto pero debo bloquear mi cuenta =( creanme yo no quería pero debo hacerlo pues quiero seguir aquí con todas ustedes =) así que si están interesadas pueden dejar aquí su... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2011 at Ale's blog
kyaaaa! yo si acepto la invitacion XD
Muchas gracias por los scans!!
1101 Wink up
Let´s go sleep with ARASHI
kyaaaaa! you're so lucky!!
I've been reading about the surprise to Oh chan for his bday!! The guys really love their Riida!!!
thank you very much for sharing something that happened at The Tokyo Dome!!
arashi's Tokyo Dome Concert 211110
Here some sneek peek of what happened IN tokyo dome!~ XD so yea, that was from my seating!~ i can still saw arashi but from ant point of view, but then i can still waves to them and feel happy!~ aiba, really is good looking!~ and with wavy voice really soothed me! XD got lots of aimiya...
Alejandra Flores Guerrero added a favorite at arashic0804's blog
Nov 21, 2010
Alejandra Flores Guerrero added a favorite at Marjae's blog
Nov 17, 2010
awwww! do you want to kill me?? hahaha so adorable AibaxMatsuJun!
arashi: OTP..OTP...
as much at how i still adored sakuraiba, aiba/jun still pawned my heart. current wallie of my BumbleBee laptop I found this on tumblr, and if i'm not mistaken there supposed to be ohchan in between them, but maybe i was wrong.. all i know is I LOVE THIS PICTURE SO MUCH!~ and another pictur...
kyaaaaa! love this SakurAiba moment too! agree, Sho's expression is so "normal" =) I love this attitude of Arashi members!
thanks for sharing ^^
arashi: sakuraiba
i don't know why but this sakuraiba moment kinda cute...XD its like everyone can go down by their own but sho need to hold aiba? XD i really like the casualty of sho's expression there...
Alejandra Flores Guerrero added a favorite at arashic0804's blog
Oct 17, 2010
habia visto algunas pero esto no tiene igual!!!!! muchisimaas gracias por los scans amix!!!!!!!!
2010-2011 M GIRL //AW
Alejandra Flores Guerrero added a favorite at Marjae's blog
Oct 9, 2010
Alejandra Flores Guerrero is now following Pi-chan
Oct 8, 2010
uwaaa! esta si que es una sorpresa ^^ y muy agradable!
me da mucho gusto que tu blog tenga, no solo muchas visitas sino tmb muchos comentarios ^^
en verdad Mil Gracias por hacer feliz a tanta fan (en especial a mi >.<) con todos los scans que compartes XDD y Omedetou por tan lindo blog =P
for you !!!
I very happy !!! why? you might wonder ..... my page in the midle of day, I had over 900 visits please ask them now open free for anyone to see my page ......... leave comments no matter what the comments are short I don´t want to restrict my space again * at a later time again restricted t...
Alejandra Flores Guerrero added a favorite at Marjae's blog
Oct 7, 2010
ahhh! Aiba-chan se ve genial!!! primero con ese balon y después con ese libro y lentes!!!!!
y que tal Cameron diaz y Tom Cruise en el VS嵐! SUGOI! ya quiero ver el programa completo ^^
muchas muchas gracias por compartir los scans!!!!
101009-101024 TV PIA
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Sho-kun!!!
Quiero ir a ese restaurant!!!!
gracias por los scans!!
1011 Duet
wooow! Han salido bastantes fotos de Nino y hay algunas como estas que me sorprenden pues nunca pense ver a Nino en sesiones como ests jajaja!
muy divertidas y bastante recomendables!!!
Gracias por compartirlas ^^
1011 MISS
중 웹
((O.O)) when I saw the cover I wondered what waiting for me?
I love the 2nd,3th and 5th pic!! He looks gorgeous!!
[+act.] 2010. 11
I'm so suprised when I saw this shot! Is this a cover? Then, how sexy is contents? In expectation, I opened this magazine. Ordinary nino...? :D I think Nino is natural look looks good! Such a figure of Nino represent his charm very well. Subtle picture :) Nino looks as if the baby i...
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