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10970 International Blvd. Oakland, CA 94603 COME GET ME.
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Bun gonna sneak backstage, let bag of fly loose so LL (Large Lizard) can catch some fly with all them rapid tongue movement!
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Ohhhhh Bun gonna have cosign that one!
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She must have incredible head game work ethic cuz otherwise that's like fuckin chick wearing Freddy Krueger mask!
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Look like Bun use her face as toilet! Or like she miss mouth while eating BBQ Cornnut...
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Thanks for Yo Gotti info Clo. Bun gonna cop that one! Stay up.
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^^^^^^^Whiteboy from England^^^^^^^
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Bun only fuck with XXL blunt. You can smoke whole eighth in that one!
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Hey 50! Bun smart Business Men. Know what you mean when you "not promoting" music anymore by promoting you "not promoting" it anymore. Not promoting mean silence. Anyway, why shit on your crew? Goddamn Yayo been on your dick since day 1, and Bun respect that one. That song over the Minds Playin Tricks On Me beat was solid by your boy. Keep making music 50, and add Bun to G-Unit! Expand your fan base. China got more resident than any country!
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What up XX. Merry Christmas homeboy! Bout to light up this Christmas blunt Purple AK. Put one in the air for Santa! Stay up.
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You crack Bun up with theory! You know think it case of, "Rob me, I got too much pride to let it slide ho, murder, bloody murder, man I swear to God..."?
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C'mon people. It's that Candyyyy! I can serve you on the block, cocaine, cream or takes overrrrr me... RIP
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This article should be title HOMO HATE HOMO.
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Yesterday Bun get EXTREMELY PISS OFF, go down church yard where all cricket like to jump at Bun's leg. Bun pick up cricket and SCREAM in ear, "Ohhhhhh you gonna be family legless cricket in minute!" Then Bun run FULL SPEED all way home, grab knife, run back FULL SPEED with hockey mask like Jason, catch every single cricket in churchyard, hold down, and cut off hind leggers so can no longer jump. Just for fun, Bun also tie cricket to bottle rocket with dental floss so can explode. Sure enough, cricket DID explode, but rest of family left with no hind leggers so eventually they gonna breed cricket that no longer can jump anymore. Bun solve that problem *wipe hand together*
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She better think twice about living life of crime cuz that's one of easiest identify marks Bun ever seen (beside big bald lady with beard Bun see dancin, bobbin head, listening to headphone on corner of 9th and Market Downtown SF).
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You only live one time. Live like gonna die next one.
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Is that a pic of Malcolm in Middle?
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Damn Bun never notice 50 have big ass head! Shit bigger than dude with Vanilla Ice cut...HAIR INCLUDED!! That alone add like 4-5 inch to that one...50 should start headbuttin Mu'Fuckas and use that brick wall forehead...turn Mu'Fuckas teeth into crack BBQ CORNNUT!
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Cosign... Ye - "Ralph Lauren was boring, til Kanye wore him..." Weezy - "I eat money bags for breakfast, smell like Bitch I'm Rich cologne..." Common - "Mannnn, I just can't dumb it down to those level..."
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Co-sign..saw him on stage before he died RIP he was more than just a hypeman, even tho he did that shit, he was a dope rapper, best in D12 FOR REAL!
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Bun see this fool in London 2001 pre-9/11 on stage Em and Xzibit and this dude is just clown with shower cap. Most of D-12 just eatin off Em's silver platter. Respect to Em for feedin 'Em!!
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First of all, respect to you, Bun read your comment and most of time they be on point. But...why should he dump Cash Money? They the one who promote shit outta him, which cost lot of money. Why would they not recoup expense? Bun remember seeing Birdman interview when he backstage and he say they got hottest new artist Drake on roster. At time, Bun was thinking, "Who fuck is Drake?" then he blow up. So they Big Time responsible for making Drake successful artist like he is today. Same with Nicki Minaj (perfect timing make both artist "Pop"). Bun no gonna front, Birdman look and sound stupid, but as Chuck would say, Birdman always rubbin them hand together, and he all about business. He no make no money if Drake no bring in no money, so it match make in heaven! They make money together!
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Just chillin man, Bun see you still being attack on this site. Shit happen, Bun guess, but Bun read and take mental note of your insight...keep doin what you're doin! Appreciate it. Bun usually only comment once or twice day, usually after puff puff NO PASS blunt to face, blackberry kush!
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