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What if you took more time off? Blogging as honestly as you do has to be a lot of outflow. If you don't mind, I'll be praying for peace and wisdom epiphanies for the next steps in your life while you're away.
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Wonderful to read this morning with my purple shake. As a writer writing fiction and working toward publication, it's difficult to keep a proper perspective when agents say no, publisher say close but not enough, etc. Now, I'm thinking about what favor do they do me by this? What are the benefits I can choose as a result? Good things to ruminate. Yet I also agree with the first commenter, that knowing it and walking it are not always simultaneous.
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It used to be a cheese danish, and particularly from the 7-11. Or cheese won tons. Weird, though. I ate a won ton the other day and it was pretty slow going with all that solid monochrome flavor. Can't say I'm a clean eating saint, though. it just seems that the old foods I used to inhale now aren't as flavorful or textured as what I'm eating 90% of the time. Who'da thunk it?
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Okay, that's IT. I'm buying the manchego cheese today. Do you use a hard cheese grater with it? i'm pretty dangerous with a knife and a peeler. In reference to your friend's remark, I am a diva at bastardizing recipes. Good stuff usually results. however, I have been alerted on my blog Confessions of a Startled Fat Woman that pics of new comfort food bean soups which are blended are not appetizing. live and learn.
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I also just began reading Geneen's book and anticipate great insight and release! In the relationship arena (which has its lonely no matter if it's involved or not) I had to go supernatural, i.e., God. The deeper I looked within, the more lost I saw. Even with this relationship with God, however, I still have to remember He doesn't fail. I have a tendency to keep slogging along until i realize i'm doing it on my own again, minus His Love.
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Right now, I'm a purist with roasting them with garlic and olive oil. They are crazy good. And you are COMPLETELY right on the canned thing. I hated beets as a kid because my first taste was pickled beets from a can. Ugh.
Toggle Commented May 24, 2010 on 5 Things You Can Eat With Beets at Noshtopia
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I've been experiencing tough kale lately, no matter the variety. Is that because it's not cooked enough? It's close to falling off my husband's Will Eat List.
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Yep. That agave goes down pretty easy.
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I'll be trolling the internet looking for a nondairy rice pudding. Might have to make up one myself. @healthypurpose has a chia seed pudding that funky to eat. I've made blueberry. Nice with a few nuts for a dessert.
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Sigh. The closest Trader Joe's is in Vegas. I'll have to try pepperdews. Never heard of them. My newest "try" was black bean fudge and it's not bad. I eat it with coconut milk ice cream coffee flavor. Toss in a few almonds and I'm in sweet heaven.
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We are noticing that clean eating has us eating more flavorful foods. In a recent eating of a "before" type meal of a (here goes, gulp) a pastrami cheeseburger, fries with dipping sauce, I was disappointed/relieved to find that the flavor was bland and undifferentiated compared to the colorful eating flavors I've been experiencing. A piece of friendship cake was sugary, not flavorful like a perfectly cooked yam.
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I am definitely going to try this recipe. I just learned how to do fried green beans clean style. I also found Sage's chicken sausage at Good Earth, my local whole foods store that is GREAT. p.s. @loveEmmaJ has similar gravatar as you and with you both having dark hair, I get confused! What are the odds of that?
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I was thinking it was just me re the wanting green stuff. I was cruising the greens section of the produce dept. and had to tell myself I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED. Three weeks ago I couldn't have told you what most of those greens were. I picked up some curly kale and will search your site and Clean Eating for a funky way to fix it. On a side note, I'm trying a pummelo fruit today as my Something Different.
Toggle Commented Apr 15, 2010 on 5 Things To Make From Artichokes at Noshtopia
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You sure are eating some beautiful food. My adventure guy and I are in week two of clean eating. We stepped away from dairy and grains and legumes for a couple of weeks. Eating butternut squash and chayote squash was a sweet sensation without the ick of a sugar buzz. I haven't had any desserty sugar in several weeks. I'm wondering if bread will taste much sweeter than before. I am sleeping better, for sure.
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Your portion remarks are spot on. Cleaning up the to-go container contents can be actually two meals! I am checking into re-usable to-go containers on eco sites. I wonder how restaurants respond to them.
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Apr 10, 2010