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What if you took more time off? Blogging as honestly as you do has to be a lot of outflow. If you don't mind, I'll be praying for peace and wisdom epiphanies for the next steps in your life while you're away.
It's Break Time: Need To Recharge And Off To Grandpa's Funeral
My grandfather passed away on Thursday so I am off to California this week for his funeral. Grandma passed away in February, and so both of them are gone within four months. In the picture is them at their 90th birthday party seven years ago. Yes, both my grandparents were born in 1913, b...
Wonderful to read this morning with my purple shake. As a writer writing fiction and working toward publication, it's difficult to keep a proper perspective when agents say no, publisher say close but not enough, etc. Now, I'm thinking about what favor do they do me by this? What are the benefits I can choose as a result? Good things to ruminate. Yet I also agree with the first commenter, that knowing it and walking it are not always simultaneous.
Coffee Talk: Problems Are Just A Homework Assignment From Life
How about a little life chat about perspective over a cup of oat milk mochas? There's something very soothing about chocolatey caffeine. I find it really amazing how simply changing how you look at something can literally shift your feelings in moments. The data and facts will stay the sam...
It used to be a cheese danish, and particularly from the 7-11. Or cheese won tons. Weird, though. I ate a won ton the other day and it was pretty slow going with all that solid monochrome flavor. Can't say I'm a clean eating saint, though. it just seems that the old foods I used to inhale now aren't as flavorful or textured as what I'm eating 90% of the time. Who'da thunk it?
Guilty Pleasures: Noshing On Sliders And Marzens
Fellow food lover friend @jwillensky and I went to go see Iron Man 2, and so naturally after all that adrenaline-inducing, macho tin man fighting and destruction, we had to go get beers. I am a beer girl. I especially dig micro-brewed beers. Gordon Biersch was across the street from the th...
Okay, that's IT. I'm buying the manchego cheese today. Do you use a hard cheese grater with it? i'm pretty dangerous with a knife and a peeler.
In reference to your friend's remark, I am a diva at bastardizing recipes. Good stuff usually results. however, I have been alerted on my blog Confessions of a Startled Fat Woman that pics of new comfort food bean soups which are blended are not appetizing. live and learn.
Fridge Creation: Cha Soba Noodles With Mango Apple Sausage and Garlic Shrimp
The other day I was feeling too lazy to leave the house, so it was one of those, "What can I make for dinner with whatever is in the fridge?" Fortunately, when mom and dad were here last month we did a Costco run and in the freezer I had a bazillion shrimp and mango chicken sausages. Ok...
I also just began reading Geneen's book and anticipate great insight and release! In the relationship arena (which has its lonely no matter if it's involved or not) I had to go supernatural, i.e., God. The deeper I looked within, the more lost I saw. Even with this relationship with God, however, I still have to remember He doesn't fail. I have a tendency to keep slogging along until i realize i'm doing it on my own again, minus His Love.
Weaning Sugar Wednesday #15: Sugar At Night Is Still Challenging
We're almost at 4 months now since I started this going sugar little adventure. My goal was to go from consuming 80g of sugar/day down to about 25g/day. I'm happy to say that I'm solidly at about half way at about 40g/day. Of course, there are days where I will eat more sugar or less sugar...
Right now, I'm a purist with roasting them with garlic and olive oil. They are crazy good. And you are COMPLETELY right on the canned thing. I hated beets as a kid because my first taste was pickled beets from a can. Ugh.
5 Things You Can Eat With Beets
Beets for many people do not rank as a favorite vegetable and I get it because when I was younger I didn't care for beets that much because it tasted like grass to me. But, as I've gotten older and tried beet dishes made by some really good cooks, I've come to love the beet in both red and ...
I've been experiencing tough kale lately, no matter the variety. Is that because it's not cooked enough? It's close to falling off my husband's Will Eat List.
Ginger Teriyaki Organic Grass Fed Beef With Lemony Kale
If you've noticed, I've been on a kale kick lately, and for this weeks, "I tried something new," I decided to pair a lemony kale side dish with some ginger teriyaki beef. I don't eat red meat often, but when I do I will eat a really good piece of grass fed beef. The meat I got was an ...
Yep. That agave goes down pretty easy.
Weaning Sugar Wednesday #13: Just Because It's Organic Doesn't Mean It's Better
I saw this party napkin and had to laugh because it pretty much sums up my false belief that organic sweets are better than non-organic sweets simply because it's organic. Granted, the organic sweets are made out of ingredients as close to as Mother Nature made them which yes is awesome, b...
I'll be trolling the internet looking for a nondairy rice pudding. Might have to make up one myself.
@healthypurpose has a chia seed pudding that funky to eat. I've made blueberry. Nice with a few nuts for a dessert.
Calistro From Farm to Fork And Most Amazing Rice Pudding
The concept of farm to fork is not a new one, and perhaps even cliche, but with me it doesn't get old because I enjoy supporting places that buy primarily local and make most of their foods from scratch. Calistro California Bistro up in North Scottsdale is one of those places, and I was i...
Sigh. The closest Trader Joe's is in Vegas. I'll have to try pepperdews. Never heard of them.
My newest "try" was black bean fudge and it's not bad. I eat it with coconut milk ice cream coffee flavor. Toss in a few almonds and I'm in sweet heaven.
Sweet Creamy Goat Cheese Dip With Pepperdews and Walnuts
I love pepperdews because they add a nice sweet peppery flavor to sandwiches and in dips they can add a cheese like flavor like in this Edamame and Sweet Pepperdew Hummus Dip. This sweet creamy goat cheese dip with pepperdews and walnuts takes about 5 minutes to make and is great for an...
We are noticing that clean eating has us eating more flavorful foods. In a recent eating of a "before" type meal of a (here goes, gulp) a pastrami cheeseburger, fries with dipping sauce, I was disappointed/relieved to find that the flavor was bland and undifferentiated compared to the colorful eating flavors I've been experiencing. A piece of friendship cake was sugary, not flavorful like a perfectly cooked yam.
Weaning Sugar Wednesday #11: Change In Sweet-Tooth Affecting Salt-Tooth
Here's one of my smoothie concoctions: strawberries, lychees, hemp seeds, rice milk, and ice. We're now two and a half months into our going sugar little journey as I make the habit change of going from eating 80g to 25g of sugars per day. To refresh those who haven't been following, I based...
I am definitely going to try this recipe. I just learned how to do fried green beans clean style. I also found Sage's chicken sausage at Good Earth, my local whole foods store that is GREAT.
p.s. @loveEmmaJ has similar gravatar as you and with you both having dark hair, I get confused! What are the odds of that?
Easy: Stir Fry Green Beans With Sweet Chicken Sausage
For those of you new to my blog, you should know that I've got a serious lazy streak when it comes to cooking, so anything that is fast, easy, and quick will get my attention immediately. Even though, I got the laziness streak going, I cook more at home because my desire to eat healthi...
I was thinking it was just me re the wanting green stuff. I was cruising the greens section of the produce dept. and had to tell myself I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED. Three weeks ago I couldn't have told you what most of those greens were.
I picked up some curly kale and will search your site and Clean Eating for a funky way to fix it.
On a side note, I'm trying a pummelo fruit today as my Something Different.
5 Things To Make From Artichokes
I saw these ginormous artichokes at the grocery store the other day and all of a sudden I got hungry for some. This sugar wean is doing weird things to me like making me crave veggies particularly green ones. I mentioned yesterday that I woke up one day and craved kale. It's fascinating ho...
You sure are eating some beautiful food. My adventure guy and I are in week two of clean eating. We stepped away from dairy and grains and legumes for a couple of weeks. Eating butternut squash and chayote squash was a sweet sensation without the ick of a sugar buzz. I haven't had any desserty sugar in several weeks. I'm wondering if bread will taste much sweeter than before. I am sleeping better, for sure.
Weaning Sugar Wednesday #9: The Taste Buds Have Really Changed
I'm going into my third month now on this going sugar little journey, and I can tell you this, my taste buds sure have changed quite a bit. In fact, there are some sweet foods I used to eat/drink all the time, and now I take a couple bites or sips and it's just too sweet for me. My taste bu...
Your portion remarks are spot on. Cleaning up the to-go container contents can be actually two meals! I am checking into re-usable to-go containers on eco sites. I wonder how restaurants respond to them.
Tried Something New: Putting Takeout Food On A Plate
To some of you this is going to sound ridiculous, and to some others of you, you will be like, "OMG! I do that too." I don't mind admitting some of my oddities because 5 years of blogging has taught me that many of us are more alike than we think. So okay, whenever I get takeout meals besides pi...
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Apr 10, 2010
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