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BrockSamson is now following Steve
Jan 16, 2010
@ Drizzzit, I agree 100% lol
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Im going to the chicago IMAX tomorrow to see...
Im going to the chicago IMAX tomorrow to see Avatar for the second time (Id like to see it more, but its not even funny how broke I am). I cant wait.. The excitement it to much to handle! Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2010 at AVATAR
lol, It was only a matter of time before one of these popped up!
Truer words have never been spoken :D
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I too had nothing but Pandora, and Neytiri on my mind as I slowly drifted away in the late hours of the night, but fortunately for me.. It actually worked......sorta. I did end up dreaming of neytiri, but for some reason we were in chicago and breaking into peoples houses. I guess thats better then nothing though I guess, lol.
You know no matter how hard ive tried i cant...
You know no matter how hard ive tried i cant physically dream about Avatar and neytiri, instead i dream about some random stuff like the other night i had nothing but neytiri on my mind n then when i fell asleep i drempt that i went to get ice cream??!?! what the hell lol
BrockSamson added a favorite at Avatar Blog
Jan 12, 2010
BrockSamson added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 12, 2010
BrockSamson added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 12, 2010
BrockSamson added a favorite at Avatar Blog
Jan 12, 2010
BrockSamson added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 12, 2010
BrockSamson added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 12, 2010
BrockSamson added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 12, 2010
T. Kaz, my thoughts exactly.
Ni'awtua Txe'lan, My friend. I have too been searching for the proper words to express the way I feel, and you could not have done any better then with this statement, "... For a mere three hours, I was on Pandora, I was with the Na,vi. I was HOME...."
It seems this movie has effected more people then I realized... And here I thought it was just me being weird. I guess those who cant relate are the minority.
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Patrick, Let me assure you that you are not alone. It's truly amazing how much a fictional character can influence a persons emotions. Cameron has truly made the ideal female. But the thing that I cant get over is how much I can be attracted to a fictional character sexually, and emotionally when she is an 11 foot tall, blue cat thing!! I guess the saying is true that it's whats on the inside that counts. Non the less though, Neytiri is freakin sexy, despite the size :p
Why do guys love Neytiri? (Spoilers)? This is what...
Why do guys love Neytiri? (Spoilers)? This is what I think. This is a story of true love where the man does not have to impress the girl. The only thing Jake does to impress her is survive in Pandora. We know she loves Jake for who he is and that is all. No trinkets, no gifts, no phone calls, no ...
BrockSamson is now following AVATAR
Jan 12, 2010
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at NeytiriMyLove's blog
BrockSamson is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 12, 2010
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