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Embracing the chaos of raising kids & being an artist.
Interests: making jewelry, creating mixed media paintings, hanging with my family, taking photos, traveling, watching a good movies, playing on my iPhone.
Recent Activity
You have brough sculptey to a whole new level! Love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
Decorative Clay Bell DIY
I've been crushing on the ceramic bells I've seen pop up in a few of my favorite stores all summer, so it was high time I tried to make something similar myself. These are purely for decor and don't actually make that lovely sound that hand-thrown clay bells make, but they sure look fancy on my...
Love these fall colors! I am intrigued to find out more about this rug hooking! Thanks for sharing.
just what I need
Another crafty hobby? Why not! The more the merrier, I say. I've been thinking about rug hooking for a while now, partly inspired by the beautiful rugs Megan has been making these past few years, as well as the North Woods Rug that Charlotte created for the pages of Taproot (in Issue 8::RE...
It is so inspiring to see other peoples houses. Thanks for sharing! Love your blog & podcast! Super motivating!
other various house updates.
I have a few big and little things on my running list to "finish" this house up. I am not one of those people that likes to always be in progress on home repairs and updates. I totally get that method (sounds fun, actually) but I think I got used to setting up and moving quickly thanks to the ...
This is an awesome solution. We have a similar situation, but I had never thought about something like this as an option. Thank you for sharing.
external sliding door in the master bedroom.
I feel like this post should begin with a sigh of relief. It has been my plan to add a sliding door between the bedroom and small master bathroom since day one. On home inspection day, right after we opened escrow, I toured the house and knew immediately we'd be taking the door off the bathroo...
This event looks so inspiring & full of life & love! Love your posts! Thanks for sharing. The area you live in looks so amazing!!
this year, at the fair
The Common Ground Country Fair has come to a close, and I've heard that the first frost has arrived at home. Autumn is upon us! I've been at the fair for a few days now with the Taproot team, busy with our booth at the fair. We met so many amazing pe...
This class looks amazing & inspiring. Thanks for sharing all the thoughts about Braden! I hope he is doing good!! Miss you Girl!
2 New Mixed Media Workshops for Fall!
Hello Lovely Friends! Fall is such a great time to dig in and create, get messy, expand your creative wings and deepen your knowledge of the creative process! I am constantly finding new ways to learn and my art is constantly changing for it.. and I LOVE it. I find that when I stay in one place ...
Love the perspective of this post! So so interesting & automatically made me think of the adventure my favorite pair of shoes has taken. Thanks for the inspiring post!
this is yet another story about shoes.
(If you're new here, this is the original shoe story and here's the second shoe story.) Once upon a time, the shoe on the left looked like the shoe on the right. And then in just over two years (!) the shoe lived a full life. The shoe became "the main shoe" in the summer of 2012. It walked the...
Love your honesty & how you just say it how it is. It is hard not to get worked up about things in the future. Hard to stay in the now. Thanks for keeping it all in prospective. It helps me do the same hearing it from others.
around here.
Sometimes I feel like a broken record. Each podcast episode starts with "I'm really excited about this week's episode." and most of my around here posts start with "thank you so much for your sweet comments this week." (Not to mention what I continually say around the house..."what do ...
This is amazing. Loving your garden & all the things you have gotten from it. Thank you for sharing your process. It is so motivating to me to plant a fall garden here in AZ.
in the garden :: September 18
This week in my garden (and in our kitchen), we have .... :: scratched our heads in disbelief at all the beans, beans, and more beans coming in! :: fretted over the first frost, which hasn't happened yet, but could any day now. :: cut, arranged and shared flowers with everyone we can, ev...
You are so awesome! Love how you make it look so easy & do able. I need motivation, when it is so freaking hot out, it's hard to even think about Fall being a season.
Spooky Spark Mantles
Today on Studio 5 i am sharing some fun tips and ideas for Halloween mantles and some great Dollar Store finds! {halloween 2013} i am a HUGE fan of Shopping my home before heading out to buy ...
I love these. I am a sucker for a pouch! Good luck. You are amazing!! Love the whole idea of this concept. So smart.
September MAKE29 : behind the scenes.
I'm thrilled to share photos and details about the September edition of MAKE29 today. On 9/22 at 11AM PST I'll be selling 29 handmade foldover clutches, every bit of which were sewn by me. This edition was originally scheduled for MARCH. And then there was a fabric shipping hold-up. And then...
[a moment.]
PK wants to keep up with her big brothers so badly, she will do whatever it takes. Sometimes I want time to stand still. I want to remember moments like this forever. Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2014 at Liz Eaton Designs
Art Journal | 022814 | mood
Prompt | draw a picture of the mood you're in. Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2014 at Art Journal
Art Journal | 022714 | day
Prompt | Write down everything you did today, then look at it & reflect on how you felt today, would you change anything? Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2014 at Art Journal
Skateboard School | Kids That Rip
The boys all just started at this amazing skateboard learning facility in Mesa called Kids That Rip, it is such a cool place to have the boys involved with. Dax has caught on super fast & can already drop in... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2014 at Liz Eaton Designs
Art Journal | 022614 | logo
Prompt | Make a logo using your name, like if you had a store or a business card or online, what would your logo look like? Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2014 at Art Journal
Recipe | Cucumber Salad
My family likes to eat at this place called Bandera, it's in Scottsdale, Az. I highly recommend it if you live here or if you are coming to visit. But if you are not in the area, I thought I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2014 at Liz Eaton Designs
Mixed Media | Mandala
I have been painting more, exploring my love for mixed media. I have been obsessed with mandalas lately, probably for the past couple years, but my love has grown stronger since returning from Bali. Every mandala can be different, almost... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2014 at Liz Eaton Designs
Art Journal | 022514 | music
Prompt | What is the one song that you can't seem to get enough of lately? why do you love it so much? a favorite lyric or word from the song? do a page about it. Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2014 at Art Journal
Garden update | 022414
Well, the garden boxes are looking really good, but they don't look much different than last week, at all. Hoping something is happening under the soil with all the seeds we planted. So, this week I thought I would highlight... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2014 at Liz Eaton Designs
Art Journal | 022414 | door
Prompt | draw a door on the page, think about what the door represents. What is on the other side of the door? What if you could walk through the door, what would you want to be on the other side? Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2014 at Art Journal
Art Journal | 022314 | words
Prompt | Set a timer for 1 minute, write down every word that comes to mind. Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2014 at Art Journal
Art Journal | 022214 | blue
Prompt | do an entire page only using the colors in the blue family. let no white color show through. Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2014 at Art Journal
Art Journal | 022114 | paint
Prompt | Squirt a small amount of paint on the page then spread it around with a credit card. You can leave as is, or use it as a background for your page. Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2014 at Art Journal
thanks Mary!! I will be posting a weekly update of the garden, hope it goes as planned!
Grow baby grow.
The start of our veggie garden. Actually our whole backyard. Ever since I went to Bali in January, David has been as motivated as me to get our backyard more "green" or should I say, "less desert like." I love living close to the trails so that I can mountain bike or hike whenever I want, withou...
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