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I am a freelance writer and independent filmmaker, married with children. I live and work in suburban, New Jersey.
Recent Activity
I was left speechless by Speechless
How can a TV show about sensitivity be so insensitive to women? Last week, I finally found time to tune into the new ABC comedy Speechless. The show has been positively praised by just about every TV critic as being one of the best, if not the best comedy of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
I Finally Turned a Corner
I completed my version of a Triathlon today. I walked 3.8 miles on the Henry Hudson Trail (all flat terrain), then came home and swam my laps (gentle breast stroke) and after dinner took out the bike and made a couple laps around my circular driveway. Not bad for a... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Tired of the Lyme Skeptics...
The ignorance around chronic Lyme continues. I'm so tired of articles about the skepticism around Yolanda's lyme diagnosis. Read latest here. When you have cancer or AIDS, people support you rather than question your health. When Pedro Zamora took part on The Real World, he was trying to raise awareness... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Tomorrow is Another Day...
Woke up with a terrible headache today and all over aches and pains. Not sure if I'm herxing, or it's hormonal, or due to weather changes, or something I ate, or maybe I was just due for a bad day. I can't complain, as up until today, I've had TWELVE... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
I Feel Good...
Last week was a very good week! In fact it was the best week I've had in three long, brutal and agonizing years. I feel like a new person, or rather like my old self. I'm not saying I'm completely cured. I still am extremely tired, but for the past... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Won't Find a Cure Without Funding
It's impossible to find a cure without funding. And without awareness (especially media awareness) diseases tend to be ignored and hence, no funding. So many people are suffering from Lyme but all the media talks about is Zika and Ebola. They like scary, deadly disfiguring diseases because they make for... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
When You Hear Crickets After Announcing your Chronic Illness
My essay about Lyme (which I originally titled "Where is the Love for Lyme?") is now live over at The Mighty. And yes, I have no more vanity and actually published my sick selfie along with the essay. I'm not trying to win any beauty contests over here! #chroniclymewarrior... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Steinem Insults Feminists with Remarks
Shame on Gloria Steinem for making such a grossly sexist remark to Bill Maher, asserting that young women are only supporting Bernie Sanders because they want to "meet boys" and boys support Bernie. Really? I would expect Trump to say something stupid and crass like this, but not the feminist... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
I woke up today trying to come up with a word to describe my state of mind. Then I came upon this article, How to Tell if it's Ennui or Weltschmerz. I believe Weltschmerz is the winner... Weltschmerz describes "a world weariness felt from a perceived mismatch between the ideal... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Watch it or Turn it Off
I have to remember to bring my earbuds with me when I go out. I'm sitting at the car place waiting for an oil change and the TV is blasting. My least favorite stuff too -- game shows and pharmaceutical commercials. It's just noise. Irritating noise. Nobody's watching it. Everyone... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
The Sexy Goddess Trope in Films and Why It Makes Me Cringe
There is something worse than the Manic Pixie Dream Girl Trope. Saw a french film last week called MY GOLDEN DAYS, which all the critics of course love. But to me it was dreadfully pretentious. Instead of the manic pixie, we have the french version -- the Needy Pouty Alluring... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Everything is Copy
I was lucky to see a sneak peek of this doc about Nora Ephron last night. It's written and directed by her son, Jake Bernstein, and it is pretty fantastic. However, that being said, I still have mixed feelings about Nora. She was a tremendously accomplished female screenwriter and director... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Texting and Walking Zombies
In NJ, they are proposing a bill to make texting and walking illegal. I think fining the "walk-and-texters" is a great idea because they drive me nuts, and it is actually dangerous. I cannot comprehend why people can't live without their phones for even one second. I see kids getting... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Raising Boys...
Read this article, Understanding the Vulnerability of Men. Moms always agree it's difficult to raise girls, with their raw emotions on display, but I would say it's equally hard to raise boys in a society that has so many rules regarding what it means to be manly. Our culture dictates... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Suffering from Netflix Malaise...
Suffering from Netflix/Hulu's a very common illness that comes over you when you've spent the last couple of weeks binge-watching 65 plus episodes of tv series only to come to the end of said series and be left with that anti-climatic feeling of "Now what the hell am I... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Lyme, the Brain Terrorist
33...that's how many pages I completed on the new script I'm writing. And it only took me 9 days. Not bad considering I had a migraine for 5 of those days, 2 of which were so debilitating I could barely get out of bed. And I also had an endoscopic... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Walking Dead's 'Moldavian Massacre' Finale...
Walking Dead season finale cliffhanger...the moment you realize you are now rooting for the psychopath with the leather jacket and a baseball bat named Lucille because you no longer care who lives or dies from Rick's self-righteous group. Seriously...a Moldavian Massacre cliffhanger is so 1980s....if you promise us a shocking... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Sick and Plump
I recently read this article about being sick and skinny at Bust Magazine. It makes no evolutionary sense that we, as women, would rather be sickly thin than pleasantly plump and healthy. And yet, I'm as guilty as anyone else. I prefer being thin to being out-of-shape. However, after three... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Does Domesticity Kill Creativity?
Kim Brooks asks: Is Domestic Life the Enemy of Creative Work? I wrote about my own struggles with trying to stay a creative person while mothering small children many years ago in an essay called OUT OF THE WOODS: HOW I FOUND MY MUSE AT WALDEN POND. I wrote: "Once... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Waking up Without Pain...
Third day in a row I woke up without feeling like somebody poured concrete around my hips while I was sleeping. Makes it much easier to get out of bed in the morning when I can actually move. Now, if I could just get rid of these daily headaches, the... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Did Prince Die from Pain?
As of now we have no confirmation that Percocet or any other drug played a part in Prince's early death. But I would not be surprised to learn they did. How else does an otherwise 'healthy middle-aged man' just die? Nor would I be surprised to learn that Prince lived... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Levels of Pain
Woke up at Level 10 (can barely move. Can't talk) today and slowly progressed to Level 7 -- (can watch TV and simultaneously read facebook). There was a time I was so busy that I prayed to just have an entire day to "do nothing". Now I pray for the... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Fiona's Run
Been reading a lot about the inequality in Hollywood, not just about the lack of jobs for female directors/writers but also how warped it is that actresses aren't allowed to age. Kind of sad that by the time a woman turns 29 in Hollywood she's deemed TOO OLD to play... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Lyme Success Stories
Now that I've been sick for almost three years, I sometimes wonder if I'll ever be whole again. But I know I'm on the right path and just need to be reminded of more Success Stories. Otherwise I just get too overwhelmed by all the suffering I see around me.... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
Life in Bed...
Dining out should not be exhausting. But after going out 3 times this week (I don't think I went out 3 times last month) I am beyond exhausted. Thinking perhaps Mother's Day should be a breakfast in bed kind of day. Or just a day in bed... #chroniclyme #lifeinbed #lymeawarenessmonth Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Lizbeth Finn-Arnold
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