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SF Bay Area
artist • designer • writer • hairtwirlet • over-achiever
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Hi Judy All you need to do to join is post a link to your Biz Goals post and then visit all the other posters. July is up here: and if you want to wait till August, just look for my post when it appears on the 1st.
Toggle Commented Jul 14, 2012 on The Meetup at Athena Dreams Design
1 reply
Since 2007 my art and design life has been chronicled here at Athena Dreams Design, and that's all changing as of now. I've been working on my new website for about 6 months and as of now, my blog will... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
I've been thinking a lot these past months about success. I've spent time with friends in conversation about success and what it means to us. How we define it as a culture. How I define it for myself. How the... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
I completed several of the many goals in April, (yay) and you will find the Biz Goals post happening over here! ________________________ IF you are new to The Meetup or would like to play along, here's the scoop: Post a... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
The flu made a surprise appearance at our house, week before last, and we are still recovering. I think that covers that topic. My mum came for a visit, and that means working in the garden–because that's one of her... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
garbo bunny!
Toggle Commented Apr 9, 2012 on happy easter! at the Creative Thursday blog
So here's the first quarter of 2012, finished. Yeow that's crazy, but anyway here we are at April. Got a fair amount of the heavy lifting things done in the first 3 months, or at least started and now onward... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
I am still on the thinking fence Kristen, and working on responding to all the comments that were left on the Scoutie Girl post. I've stopped pinning for now, while I am in deciding mode. You?
1 reply
I accepted an invite from Pinterest sometime in its beta stage and didn’t really do anything with it until well into 2011, and at that point I fell. And fell hard. A dream, a hope that I never knew I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
The extendo-month of February is done, and even with that bonus day, it flew on by - {AND I'm a day late posting}. In addition to below, I joined SF Etsy, I've been meeting {in person} with a group of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
I am a notebook girl. I love a good notebook, and I carry one with me everywhere. One notebook (or journal) gets everything. I write. I sketch. I jot down ideas. I write down reminders and messages. I write notes... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
We all go through periods of getting intensely wrapped up in our work, in our goals, in our dreams. It's part of being human. It's part of being self-employed. It's also part of that little habit of putting work before... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
I've been painting just about everyday, and have several ideas for several series. I wake up with such a different kind of purpose when I'm painting. It's like purpose and joy. Pur-joy? Joy-pose? Yeah, no. Purpose and joy. 2 smallish... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
Is there someone in your life who has consistently inspired you? Is there someone in your life who has inspired you to dream bigger? Is there someone who inspired you so much that you put that dream you'd been hiding... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
We are nearing the end of the sign of Aquarius, and I just wanted to do a little visual tribute to all my Aquarian friends. Aquarian Symbols: The Water Bearer. Element: Air. Favourable colours: Turquoise. Ruling Planet: Uranus. Lucky Gem:... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
I've had a deep and abiding love affair with Pantone since my first year in art school. First year in most art schools means having to take a class in every discipline, even if you think you already know what... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
Turquoise has always had a way with my heart... so shimmery, ethereal, and somehow, mysteriously it remains so grounded and deep. Turquoise is the colour of one of my favourite stones, the mediterranean sea with the sun shining on it,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
It's that time of year to gather the receipts and get going on the taxes. It's also that time of year when I get deeply into berating myself for not having kept up with the receipts and the spreadsheets every... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
pat·tern [pat-ern; Brit. pat-n] a noun a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc. decoration or ornament having such a design. a natural or chance marking, configuration, or design: patterns of frost on the window. a distinctive... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
So this is my cat, spying on the cat next door who's spying on a crow in the grass. It somehow seemed the perfect Meetup photo for this month. I think first because it made me laugh, and second, I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
Seeing sketches in mid-creation, or drawing tables filled with the tools of a craft, journals being worked on and creativity in session always gives me a thrill. I love to get glimpses of how others work, aspects of the processes... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
December was not very winter-ly, and up until now, neither was January. But this week it seems, winter has begun in earnest in the bay area (and other places as well). Frosty beatiful things from Pinterest (clockwise from top left):... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
This morning I got up and when I let the cat out, the thermometer outside the back door told me it was 32. Yeah, 32F. And just so we're all clear, this was not an early rising kind of day,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2012 at Athena Dreams Design
something by the pied piper? : ) Loving all your bears... maybe a gray one? you know who would be ever so happy... Have a good trip! You leave soon yes? xx
Toggle Commented Jan 14, 2012 on a bear plays a tune at the Creative Thursday blog