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Liz Ness
Pacific NW USA
Mom, writer, and photographer that's a pinch of geek and a pound of artist
Interests: Find me here, too:
Recent Activity
Awesome! What a great idea for a nightmare--totally love the teeth and the fur! Watch out Bot! =)
Liz Ness is now following Gary Houchens
Jan 2, 2014
Awesome! Also, beautiful location! =)
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2012 on Success at Chicken Inn
LOL! I just realized that I did sound a little like I was begging. Sorry about that. I just meant that you inspire me (though, I wouldn't say no, heh-heh). By they way, Jackie and I were wondering if you and Ali (and Katie, if she'd like) would like to come up here on August 25th for the Camas Vintage Street Faire? I think it'd be a blast! Plus, we miss you so much. Anyhow, wishing you the most awesomest (that's a word) day! =)
Toggle Commented May 10, 2012 on Week In The Life 2012, Day Seven at kismet art
1 reply
Why is it that your posts always make me hungry? =)
Toggle Commented May 3, 2012 on Week In The Life 2012, Day Seven at kismet art
1 reply
Now, I can't stop thinking that I should rent a dog and get to know everyone. Heh-heh.
Toggle Commented May 3, 2012 on People, you need a peephole at I Am Art
Amen!!! Also, LOVE your layout and that song--it's one of my favorites. HUGS to you and your family--totally missing you! =)
Toggle Commented May 3, 2012 on You Are My Sunshine at kismet art
1 reply
Wow! LOVE the mood of this photograph! =)
Toggle Commented Mar 27, 2012 on Steigerwald Lake Adventure at Storyteller's Keep
AWESOME! Miss Piggy is cute! And, I'm so glad you're posting again. HUGS sister! =)
AWESOME! I can't wait to read it! =)
Oh my goodness! I just LOVE your wall hangings--you rock it, girlfriend! =)
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2012 on Faux Sew Love at kismet art
1 reply
This is awesome (though, I can't show Duncan, heh-heh)! LOVE it! =)
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2012 on Valentine Canvas Collage at kismet art
1 reply
How totally cool!
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2012 on Message In A Cookie at kismet art
1 reply
AWESOME photo of you two! And, I love the 3-month grace period. We have that sort of thing going on here, too, for birthdays. Makes it fun! Happy Hanukkah-Christmas! =)
Toggle Commented Feb 6, 2012 on In the holiday spirit at I Am Art
I've been thinking of you sooooo much lately. Also, LOVE your post. You are such an amazing story teller and writer. So much so, that now I'm regarding my kitchen utensils with a bit more affection. However, I can't say that they get as much use as they should, but still... Looking forward to spending some quality time with you in 2012 girlfriend! XOXOXO! Liz
1 reply
A friend directed me to your post, knowing how it would resonate with me. I've been struggling a bit with not doing--with saying, "No." But, I've begun to practice and my amazing friends have been supporting me--well, in amazing ways. It is such a gift to have friends like this, like the friends you've had to help you along your path. I follow Brene Brown, too, and it feels like this help we've received is just the thing we've needed, anchoring us to a path that is filled with many good things--like truth, authenticity, love, and joy. Oh, what a wonderful set of friends and an incredible journey it is! Best to you and three cheers for, "No!" =) Liz Ness
Toggle Commented Jan 5, 2012 on a squam story at SouleMama
1 reply
How beautiful (the dragonflies and the place). I bet your children love to visit!
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2011 on Dragonfly Walk at kismet art
1 reply
I'm so glad we had a chance to catch up yesterday and I'm totally psyched to see you for tea tomorrow. Also, YOU are the "best freaking friend ever" (I'll explain this statement more tomorrow) and I'm so sorry that you're going through this. But, I'm there (along with all of your friends) to help you make the journey. HUGS and love my dear, dear friend! Oh, and an infusion of energy for the road! =)
Toggle Commented Aug 30, 2011 on Memory Loss at Explore Create Learn
1 reply
Liz Ness is now following creativeKayt
Aug 25, 2011
Oh my, HOW COOL (or hot, heh-heh)! Love your way of capturing the week, too.
Toggle Commented Jul 29, 2011 on Thursday ~ Week in the Life at Explore Create Learn
1 reply
AWESOME -- LOVE, love, love the photographs and the pieces of your day you've shared.
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2011 on Monday ~ Week in the Life at Explore Create Learn
1 reply
How fun! Sounds like you're off to a GREAT start! =)
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2011 on Tuesday ~ Week in the Life at Explore Create Learn
1 reply
Okay -- I have to get my hands on this book. =D
Toggle Commented Jul 19, 2011 on Summer Afternoon at Explore Create Learn
1 reply
This retreat is still whispering wisdom into my heart as I think it through, process, and understand it all. So glad I could share it with my best friend, too -- it made it that much more special! LOVE YA' Sister! =)
Toggle Commented Jul 19, 2011 on My Story Today... at Explore Create Learn
1 reply
Just catching up (I've been soooo out of the loop). I love your selfies (and those shoes)! Plus your words. Cannot wait to play/visit/be tomorrow! =)
Toggle Commented Jul 19, 2011 on Self Portraits at Explore Create Learn
1 reply