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I'm trying to make my pathologies work for me
Interests: I love making and playing in my sketchbook, knitting, quilting and kayaking, I have two cats, a dog, three not so little people, and a hectic husband. I've lived in nine states, three countries and if I have to pack up a house again, my head will explode. My biggest fears are of polar bears, raccoons and squid, particularly in combination.
Recent Activity
So I am wanting to restart this blog, but I realize I'm not sure what my focus is. I've been dealing with more health issues, and that overshadows everything - my energy, my brain power. But I have been playing with watercolor and sketching and THAT makes me happy. But... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2019 at Green Glass
Fun with crayons and watercolor. LOTS of watercolor. And sometimes gouache. Which I've been using wrong all this time. But now I'm in the know. Daily sketches - still working through a list of prompts. Paperbags and bread and exercise equipment. These are the things I'm up to. Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2019 at Green Glass
Although I am playing like a seven year-old, I have set several challenges for myself. Several years ago I started following Danny Gregory's Every Day Art Challenge (although it's been around a lot longer than that). I found his book Everyday Matters very helpful in my thinking. I filled one... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2019 at Green Glass
Coming back to my sketchbook(s) I am made vividly aware of all the obstacles I put in front of myself that chokes off my impulse to play. I don't feel like I have an internal critic inside my head telling me what I do is bad. I mean, honestly some/most... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2019 at Green Glass
So I tried restarting my posting, and that didn't happen. Just not the right time. But now seems like a better time. I've been doing A LOT of knitting and sketching. Recently I've gotten into a good groove with my sketchbooks. I'm kind of exploring my seven year-old creative spirit.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2019 at Green Glass
So I'm working on not worrying too much about picking the 'right' thing to sketch and just picking whatever catches my eye. Then, if I want to do something more elegant, I sure can. But just start. Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2018 at Green Glass
It was my little Bug's birthday and he's not so little anymore. Which makes me sad exceptwhen I'm just happy to be around him. What a pleasure to have such a boy in my house. Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2018 at Green Glass
So I'm thinking of restarting my blog. Been doing other things. Taking care of things I wasn't taking care of for too long. But as I get tasks settled, I've added in sketching again. So .... thinking about doing this. Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2018 at Green Glass
Home for a couple days after camp and before I set off on another adventure. I'd like to sit down and organize/scan/amend my camp journal, but too many home details to work out before I go off again. Also, the Euro football (soccer) tournament is going on, so there is... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2016 at Green Glass
Camp week ends tomorrow. Too short. Too brief. Each year I'm convinced it goes by quicker. Anyone out there know a way jump back into child mindset? Or would I have to take the swim test again if I did that. I'm pretty sure I'd pass but ... This year... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2016 at Green Glass
You're very sweet. Thanks for stopping in. This summer I'm slowly going to try to get back to blogging.
Toggle Commented Jun 24, 2016 on A pondering cat at Green Glass
We have gone on our yearly pilgrimage to camp. There was a great deal of hectic getting ready for camp and half way through I am ready to begin. This seems like the perfect time to whip out my notebooks and try sketching as much as possible. Taking pictures with... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2016 at Green Glass
So as I am reorienting myself toward my blog, and going through my recent journals, I am struck by how much the physical qualities of a journal influence what I do. Over the last couple years I've used a complete range of commercial and self-made journals. I hear a lot... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2016 at Green Glass
If someone asked what I'd been up to all this time I haven't been blogging,I wouldn't say I've been napping the entire time. That wouldn't necessarily be wrong. But I wouldn't say it. Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2016 at Green Glass
It's been so long, I've forgotten how to format my pictures. So here I am testing the size to make sure it's not too big and not too small. Just right. Plus as I"m trying to get reoriented to my blog, I have to go through and see where I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2016 at Green Glass
And in case you are one of those people who are keeping track, yes there are two 16th's and no they are not in order and sometimes things like that just happen. Deal with it. She did. Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2016 at Paint By Numbers
I'm just going to post the pages because I really don't have much to say about them, just as I didn't have much to say in them. Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2016 at Paint By Numbers
I wasn't planning to take a break, but I guess I needed one. And I wasn't telling myself it was a break, but I'm ready to start blogging again. Last fall I was just feeling constrained by needing (obviously feeling like I needed to) do something so I could post... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2016 at Green Glass
Well what can I say. It's been a slow year. But I did participate in IFJM even if it kept it to myself in real time. I had to. Last year was such a good experience and I learned so much about what I want from my journal and why... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2016 at Paint By Numbers
I'm plugging away at "drawing live subjects in public" the on-line class I'm taking with Roz Stendahl. SOOO much information, much of which she circles around on her blog, so it's not that the ideas are all new, but just that it's all mashed together in my head. I include... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2015 at Green Glass
Not much to say. Working along in my journal on Roz's class. Oh my goodness. So many ideas, so little brain. Today was lovely, cool and calm. Yay. Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2015 at Green Glass
And thus concludith my June/July/August journal. I include this right side up. I didn't realize it was upside down until it was done. I wasn't attending to the map, I guess, or maybe that explains a lot about how I read maps. But I loved doing the sketch so whatever.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2015 at Green Glass
My words are not connected to the pages. Like a lot of what I do. Tomorrow (today) my son returns to school. Summer is over. He is in an extended calendar school, so they start early and go late compared to the other schools (and many of his friends) around... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2015 at Green Glass