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Interests: fashion, movies, sports, travelling
Recent Activity
A cold holiday
Hey! So in january both me and Jasmina were on a ski "holiday". Actually we both went with our schools and since we don't go in the same school we went to different places. We were in the northern part of Sweden, and it was really beautiful! Since I've never tried skiing, it took me some time to get in the flow :) But Jasmina has already skied and she's kind of good. Well I thought I'd show you some pictures from our four day holiday. It was real fun, and i can't wait to get on the skies again!... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at L&J's blog
is now following Jane (sea of shoes)
Feb 6, 2010
L&J's blog
L&J's blog Hii! So we are two sisters that live in a fairly little town in southern Sweden. All the sudden we got this swift idea of starting a blog together. Our shared passion is for fashion, so mostly we'll have pieces about inspiration, style and some of our own beloved outfits, mixed with other stuff! Anyways, hope that we'll get some glad readers after we get this blog started in a little while! xo Lamija&Jasmina Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at L&J's blog
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