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Lloyd Budd
Recent Activity
What specifically do you mean by "[TypePad is the] leading premium hosted blogging service"? (Quantifiable aspects)
Can you also clarify the numbers from comScore? What products does that include? How about specifically the unique visitors for TypePad? Are these publicly verifiable (link)?
Announcing the TypePad Platform and TypePad Motion
It was almost 8 years ago today that Ben and Mena Trott released Movable Type and helped spark the blogging explosion that followed. Before that time, personal web publishing was largely difficult and expensive, but with MT and the great software and services that followed from Six Apart and oth...
Oh, is that what you mean by personal publishing? It was a long after the first release of Movable Type that was a reality.
Announcing the TypePad Platform and TypePad Motion
It was almost 8 years ago today that Ben and Mena Trott released Movable Type and helped spark the blogging explosion that followed. Before that time, personal web publishing was largely difficult and expensive, but with MT and the great software and services that followed from Six Apart and oth...
Chris, could you clarify "Before that time, personal web publishing was largely difficult and expensive"? It may have been difficult relative to the ease and flexibility of MT, but many styles of personal web publishing already had a strong tradition of being gratis, free.
Announcing the TypePad Platform and TypePad Motion
It was almost 8 years ago today that Ben and Mena Trott released Movable Type and helped spark the blogging explosion that followed. Before that time, personal web publishing was largely difficult and expensive, but with MT and the great software and services that followed from Six Apart and oth...
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