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Lori Culwell
Author, marketer, tech nerd
Recent Activity
Edgar Allan Poe/ The Raven Candles
The absolute best goth gift! Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2021 at Dam Good Candles, cool gifts
Candle for Manifesting Money
Posted Jan 14, 2021 at Dam Good Candles, cool gifts
Goth Candles
Posted Jan 14, 2021 at Dam Good Candles, cool gifts
Manifestation Candles
This is a super cute set of candles-- I have already gifted them to several people! One is for general positive affirmations, the red one is for love, and the green one (with the all-seeing eye) is for money! Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2021 at Dam Good Candles, cool gifts
Haha, of course you're right. It gets people talking, and that's what is important. I just think it's super confusing that the slogan is "We treat you like you'd treat you," but then the "You" is played by two different people. I'm not even trashing it so much as scratching my head going "Why is that on the air?"
If you like it, though, then I stand corrected!
Where I Ask: Are the People in That Discover "It" Card Commercial the Same Person?
BY LORI CULWELL Today I would like to discuss this super-weird commercial series for the new Discover “It” Card. Oh, and if you want to download these commercials (or any YouTube videos) for the future, here is a nifty downloading tool for YouTube videos. You're welcome. First off: the Dis...
Ha! Thanks for your comment, John!
In fact, we were saying that Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Dough sounded amazingly delicious, and we couldnt believe that flavor ever died out.
New Year's Funny: Discontinued Ben & Jerry's Flavors!
So, the other day, I realized that Stephan had never had my very favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor, Half Baked. It was, of course, a complete revelation for him, because Half Baked is perhaps the single greatest ice cream/fro-yo invention ever concocted by Ben & Jerry’s. It has vanilla ic...
That comment made me laugh out loud. Well done!
This Lay's "Party of One" Commercial is Making Me Sad.
I started seeing this commercial recently. I find it so sad, I don't even know where to start. Wait....I know what to say. SHE EATS A CHIP? What else happens? I'm not at all satisfied with the narrative arc of this commercial. Also, why is Lay's making products like this? Remember when ...
Yay! Thanks for the nice comment, Dawn. That made my day! I'm glad this info helped. :)
How Do I Make My Own Website?
Since it's Halloween, I feel that I should direct you over to our popular "Halloween Candy Post, Inspired by Ashley's Mom." This post is from six years ago, but is pretty funny and covers things like "People who give away toothpaste and/ or pennies for Halloween." I did promise an instructive p...
Mark-- I know, SO SAD. It is as if the Lay's potato chip company is somehow existentially commenting on life. We're born alone, we die alone….we eat chips in our apartments on a Saturday night, utterly alone.
This Lay's "Party of One" Commercial is Making Me Sad.
I started seeing this commercial recently. I find it so sad, I don't even know where to start. Wait....I know what to say. SHE EATS A CHIP? What else happens? I'm not at all satisfied with the narrative arc of this commercial. Also, why is Lay's making products like this? Remember when ...
You're totally right. I do need to pay more attention. Is there a "knowledge base" where I can go and read up on it before I watch again? I'm serious!
Scolded by a Game of Thrones fan, and also-- Nickelback Sucks So Much
As I predicted, I have been scolded by a Game of Thrones nerd, who thinks I’m not getting it because Game of Thrones is a show that you can’t watch while you’re doing something else. This is a fair point, although to be honest, if I didn’t watch tv while working on websites, I would never watch...
Dennis, that is funny, and so true. I see more examples of it every day. Funny and sad at the same time!
The Common Sense, It Is Lacking....
I was thinking more about the Facebook ads from yesterday, and this somehow integrated itself into a topic that Stephan and I have been discussing for some time now: the death of common sense. That is to say, I don’t know if it’s even sporting to make fun of people anymore for making ads that d...
@John, thanks! I am sorry I made you cry, but it's good for us to remember our moms, right?
Hug Your Mom. No, I Mean It.
Today would have been my mom’s 70th birthday, so I think I will make this post a celebration of her (though if you knew my mom, you would probably laugh at how much she would not want me to call attention to her age). I never understood that, but now I certainly do. My birthday is the day ...
@Rachel-- thanks! I hope that is true. She was so pretty.
Hug Your Mom. No, I Mean It.
Today would have been my mom’s 70th birthday, so I think I will make this post a celebration of her (though if you knew my mom, you would probably laugh at how much she would not want me to call attention to her age). I never understood that, but now I certainly do. My birthday is the day ...
Thanks John! I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my confusion. That "voice control" feature sounds very weird and unintuitive as well.
Sometimes, Life is Like a Fuel Tank Cover, Is It Not?
Today I am posting from the air as I make my way back to the east coast to rejoin the world of work and 2013. Look at me! I'm on a plane! So high tech! It’s been an awesome vacation, but I suppose I have to start returning people’s voicemails and emails at some point, right? I think I...
Testing comments.
Road Trip!
Can you let us know who did this design?
Featured Blog: A Dose of the Delightful
NAME: Natalie BLOG: A Dose of the Delightful TYPEPAD MEMBER SINCE: 2010 WHY WE THINK A DOSE OF THE DELIGHTFUL ROCKS: A Dose of the Delightful was created after blogger Natalie rekindled her love of her favorite hobbies following a time of grief. Since then, it has grown and expanded to encompass ...
Actually, they do a bunch of research and rehabilitation, so i thought the entrance fee was ok!
What Did YOU Do Last Weekend?
This blog doesn’t have to be all “Funny” and “Strange,” right? Sometimes I guess it can just be about things I'm doing, and because I'm me, the Funny Strange will end up in there somewhere. Oh, all right-- just for you, I put on a penguin hat to add to my "weird hats" collection. Last wee...
I'm sure that's true of Minnesota-- although, I have a stereotype in my mind of Minnesota people being so polite, they don't speed anyway. Do you guys have "Move Over?"
I'm actually wondering about east coast vs. west coast, because the freeways are so gigantic in California.
Move Over. No, seriously.
I keep meaning to relay this weird experience I had a couple of months ago, and how it relates to a thing I observe almost every day on the east coast, and in my notebook this topic is listed as “EAST COAST DRIVERS ARE INSANE” if that gives you any inkling of where I’m going with this. Back in...
Yes, it was Simon. Oh, only instead of dogsitting for him, I believe I had to go over and feed his cat, even though CATS MAKE ME HORRIBLY ALLERGIC. Such is the life of a grad student.
Grad School, TA-ships, and affairs, oh my!
So, I’m sure I haven’t mentioned this, but I totally love the show Friday Night Lights, and if you haven’t watched it, I think you should Netflix or Hulu it from the very beginning (or go to Amazon and buy the DVDs, I don’t know how you get your media). That show is so authentic, and I love...
No idea, I wondered that as well!
Have You Cena?
My friends, if I had some kind of "Funny Strange Award," I would give it to Noah Garfinkel for making this video. Please enjoy your lunch and watch it now (though probably not at the same time-- I like you and I don't want you to inhale your spinach while you're laughing). Ultimate John Ce...
I thank you, Paul-- and also, I'm going to need to see "Poop, there it is" like, right now.
Why is That a Thing?
And now, friends, it’s time for another edition of “Why is That a Thing?” In the past, if you’ll recall, these lists have consisted of things like “A container for a PopTart that is shaped like a giant Pop Tart,” the concept of getting up at 3am to save money on Black Friday, and the mystery o...
Susan, thank you so, SO MUCH! Seriously, I am honored to be your very first blog comment ever.
No, I'm serious. It really makes a big difference. Also, that thing about the "Therapy Hotline" made me laugh out loud. What is it with people?
I know, I know, i'm totally wimping out on the bloggage this week. Basically here's what I've been doing: work, work, work, run while watching episodes of The Biggest Loser on my iPad, then work some more. We can talk later about how I must cry my face off during pretty much the entire last ...
Thanks Ali! Hope you feel better soon!!!
This post is mostly for me, but might also be for Lisa and Julie
This is one of those posts that I'm writing simply for the accountability, and also because this will probably be entertaining to watch over the course of a year. Also, it's going to make Lisa and Julie (my friends from high school) laugh. My friends, I have signed up for the 2011 New York M...
Florida? No, I live in New York.
I Love Winter.
I was listening to an episode of my current obsession, the WTF with Marc Maron podcast the other day where he’s in Ireland, and he’s talking to this Australian comedian (Tom Gleeson) who has Irish ancestry, and Tom Gleeson mentioned how he loved Ireland and felt at home there and loved the wea...
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