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I'm ashamed to be British.
Toggle Commented Dec 10, 2013 on Undignified at Atlas Shrugs
Imagine a Muslim nipple on the front page of the NYT? Then imagine the uncontrolled Rage Boy tantrum rioting.
Toggle Commented Nov 29, 2013 on The Cancerous New York Times at Atlas Shrugs
Can't wait. Black Knockouter gets shot dead by white man with a name like Zimmerman in self defence. Sharpton joins ensuing fray. MSM join in. Obama describes extinct KOer as the son he never had before case is even brought to trial. This is what Obama wants. It's the game plan and the transformation he bragged of.
During the Fourteenth Century as Bubonic Plague ravaged Europe, a sect of flagellants emerged to be seen in huge columns wandering the countryside. The aim was to be spared by penance. It, needless to say didn't work. Neither will this.
I read Ed Hussein's book The Islamist written before he joined Quilliam and it seemed that his experiences with HuT had driven the move. He talks of the way they demeaned women and discussed methods of killing a 'koof' which he claims repelled him. He goes on about how during a visit to the ME, locals constantly hissed and made sexually suggestive comments about his girlfriend. That seemed to be it and pretty thin gruel too. His florid style mixed with an obvious adulatory and indoctrinated view of Islam raised the red warnings that he may not quite be the answer in the form of a genuinely reform minded moderate as he self promotes. Two things here. The EDL is not our answer. Too much hooligan baggage. Too much of a beer drinking jaunt for many. And too many who would create the counter jihad movement more problems than benefits. Read the comments here for a snapshot. The Daily Mail is a bastion of right leaning patriots. It is not the Guardian or the BBC who smear DM readers as 'Little Englanders' ie those who hate change and foreigners. They are not and a little spat recently between them and Muslim luminary (and hypocritical liar) Mehdi Hasan exposes why any so called Muslim 'moderate' must be viewed with utmost suspicion. I mention Hasan because whilst superficially pragmatic he, like Quilliam is steeped in Islam and in a choice of Britain or Islam they'll go the Muslim route. These scrubbed up, booted and suited Muslims, like CAIR and Esposito and the MB enablers now esconced within the US administration epitomise the stealth jihad and represent the real problem. Like drowning men our officials will clutch at the thin sticks of the moderate facade and the Brooklyn Bridge of a genuine two way pluralism has been been sold so many times you have to wonder what planet those who represent us are living on. From Turkish PM, Recep Erdogan to Feisal Abdul Rauf they spout their oily taqiyya and only after the merest examination of what they say behind closed doors or to a like minded audience we see the real intent. Lets get this straight. Any genuine practitioner of the faith who believes in the concept of Dar el Islam and Dar el Harb has to be, by definition, anti secular west, anti unbeliever, anti pluralistic, anti western law and pro all the opposites. That is how it is mandated and those Muslims steeped in the scriptures know this all too well. Robinson will now fade away. The State has neutered him and as the unfortunately revealing phrase indicates, also in the process decapitated the EDL. However they haven't neutered or decapitated Britain, in fact the reverse and as more and more learn the truth about this global abomination and its obvious intent, the quiet resistance grows. We still have our Paul Westons and Douglas Murrays and put amongst those two Tommy is a mere charismatic naife. The building blocks of resistance are still at foundational stage but they're there. Unfortunately Robinson didn't quite make it and now he's gone. Watch Murray in action on You Tube or read Weston's erudition and its clear that they are of the calibre needed. I liked Tommy but rather than lead he'd have been better as the able second in command, rallying the troops and keeping well out of trouble. He wasn't and didn't and this is the result.
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2013 on "Beheading the EDL" at Atlas Shrugs
Oddly enough last night I rewatched a dvd documentary on Keith Richards, The Human Riff. Much has been spouted about the Stones but it has to be admitted that in their time, they were bloody brilliant and whether the Sex Pistols, The Clash or The Replacements they all owe a huge debt to those five f*ck the establishment hedonists. They took the black American music of Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Chuck Berry, Jimmy Reed, Irma Franklin and co, tweaked it a touch and delivered it back to the US and we all know the rest. Not quite as purist as Clapton, Peter Green, John Mayall and the others who attempted to keep it as real as English white boys could, Jagger and co created a show and with that combination of Keith's musical chops and Micks flamboyance kicked the world's ass. They weren't created. There was no shadowy svengali calling the shots, the band was them. And the great thing is none of the idiot political platforms espoused by many of the phoney's who somehow latch on to Obama as a messiah. Their view of the left is perfectly encapsulated in their departure from Britain when Harold Wilson decided that 95% taxation was a suitable penalty for earning too much. A touch o/t but hopefully related.
Fashion Houses, ad agencies, graphic design companies, architects and the like think it's cool to hire a few Muslims on staff. They're usually male so no headscarf/niqab problems and they initially give off the aura of being one of the lads, all in it together at the 'cutting edge creative coalface'. Some will drink and they'll have girlfriends without the usual Islamic strictures. When it's women, its pretty much the same but the one thing they have in common is a stridency of demand linked with high aggression when challenged. Of course these establishments are packed with the most ultra pc elements of society who support Palestine, hate the EDL, hate the right and bandy the term fascist like a badge of honour. Any dissention from the code gets you the cold shoulder and that word fascist linked with islamophobe is then hurled around in a kind of firestorm of groupthink. Explanation is futile and the only answer to this group of useful idiots is really to cut loose. There really is no redemption. So its no surprise to see that the airheads have come up with this catchy little number. For the guys at the top this kind of crap is basically bottom line driven cynicism sandwiched into a hot and trendy lifestyle image which basically mirrors the way these people look and think. It's provocative and supposed to be both sexy and their way of proclaiming, hey this is Islam, whats the problem? Of course its nothing of the sort, merely western liberalism looking for another way to shock. And make money.
The reason that the Yom Kippur War was initially such a close run thing was an array of Russian supplied SAMs lined on the west bank of the Suez Canal. In effect Israel lost almost half of its aircraft pretty sharpishly in the first few days. Next came the anti tank wire guided AT3 Saggars which again initially devastated the IDF tank formations. Those too were supplied by Russia. Russian versions of Patriot anti missile defence systems are now on their way to Syria and if as effective as the two weapons deployed against Israel will down most things hurled Syria's way. So there's your proxy war. It will not deter Iran in the slightest because they've probably got the Russki hardware already. I can't see Russia getting involved directly but Iran is a wholly different tale. Israel will be the pawn and judging by Obama's disgusting abandonment he'll not lose any sleep over dead Jews in Tel Aviv. International support or not he's going to do this. Maybe out of his seething rage around Mursi's ouster, maybe his hatred of Netanyahu and maybe his love of MB and by extension AQ, or all three this upstart is determined to set the world on fire. Right now Obama is the most dangerous man on the planet and ironically our best ally is Putin. This is the culmination of an insanity which has taken over global politics and an Obama backed Islam is right at the core. In 1940 Winston Churchill halted Hitlers tide. Where is the counterpart? Is it Putin? Bin Laden famously uttered that people will always follow the strong horse. How about a shirtless horseman?
Toggle Commented Sep 5, 2013 on "World War III" at Atlas Shrugs
I've got an interest in guitars and have bought and sold quite a few either on ebay or to the network which builds by the like minded. A few weeks ago a friend brought an old twelve string acoustic around for my ideas and a little adventure sprouted. It had an old paper label inside the soundhole, Jacques Favino, Luthier.Artisan, Rue de Clignncourt, Paris. It was also dated 1963 in pen. So Google to the rescue and it turns out that Favino knew and made Gypsy guitars for Django Reinhardt. More research revealed the Gypsy Guitar Centre in Chicago which only sold this style of guitar, but better, Favino's still living son John Pierre who continues to make these instruments and has relocated from Paris to the Spanish border. I then emailed him with pictures but rather than using those he wanted to see the guitar and have a chat. A trip to the Pyrenees sounded great but the stingy owner wasn't willing to fork out so after a few more exchanges with John Pierre, I tested the water on Ebay. Sure enough I got a bite and would you believe an Irish university professor, living and working in Tokyo was interested. He was a font of knowledge, a manical Reinhardt fan and wanted the guitar. The date was right, the location correct and it may even have been played by the master. Sadly, but obviously if a few hundred pounds on a Pyrenee trip was out, Tokyo was a definite no, no. So the emails and pictures flew to and fro. Cutting to the chase, he got the guitar and apart from a few quibbles was ecstatic. But such is this global network of Reinhardt diehards the glitches which needed fixing could only be done by an expert in Montreal. Nothing less would do. What I find incredible is that a guitar is made in Paris, came across the Britain, back to France where the owner played bars and busked, it then comes back here, next to Tokyo and then Montreal for specialist repair. The reason that these things are now so much an object of desire is provenance and association but more, the unique bassy directional tone which apparently is a Django staple. Interestingly enough, I found the high action which helps create the sound made it virtually impossible to play and Reinhardt must have had fingers (the ones he had left) of whip-cord to even get a note. There's a whole other world out there and we don't know the half of it.
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2013 on Les yeux noirs on an open thread at Atlas Shrugs
I just posted 3 times and no show. Is there a problem?
Toggle Commented Jun 30, 2013 on More elitism at Atlas Shrugs
As others have noted, had this been a 'Paki bashing' incident, plod would be rounding up every white school-child to be sent to the diversity re-education camps. As it stands it was of the, by now increasingly usual, brown on white variety so as far as the boys in blue are concerned, it’s nothing to see here, move along. What they fail to realise in their marxist-lite cocoons, is that these girls have parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends and access to communication as never before. This network then links to others, and those to yet more and pretty soon, despite the GMP misinformation campaign, the word is out there. Add to that 'word' the blatant police disregard for the safety of kuffar girls and pretty soon this official 'non-law' will be replaced by that of a home grown variety. It happened before around ten years ago in the so called 'Northern Riots' when Muslims committed millions of pounds worth of damage and the locals decided to fight back. Town centres, cars, business premises all destroyed by fire bombing Muslims who then in waves attacked fully kitted out riot police. The subsequent Cantle Report decried the non integration of Muslims but rather than the reality that these people self-segregate, blame was shifted so as to appear 'proportional'. In other words white racism was partly blamed when it was nothing of the sort. Since then a lot of Zam Zam water has passed under the bridge and I suspect that much more of this will tip it. We've put up with the London bombing, cartoon riots, teenage girl grooming, slavery and rape, countless terror plots, no go zones and demand beyond all logic. The leeway offered to rapists, paedophiles, rioters and shariah demanding interlopers has in effect made a laughing stock of our police service and when law breaks down humans will find ways of reasserting it. This is shaping up to be a long summer.
Last week,we in Britain suffered a soldier beheaded outside his own London barracks, an attempted hijack of a plane headed for Manchester from Pakistan and yet more of the by now, institutionalised rape trials of Muslim men who seem to think kuffar girls are the easiest of prey. It's fair to say that there has been a media scrum around the former. However much of it was hot air, a touch of the coffin chasing we expect from a dumb and dumber prurient media and reams of hollow, platitudinous waffle. It's also fair to say that a few of the usual Muslim talking heads have condemned this 'outrage' in their usual Captain Renault shocked manner, yet quick to point out that 'this is not Islam'. And, I'll add quicker to condemn a future backlash as if they were living in their very own, personal Minority Report scenario. Quite honestly, I could hardly bear to watch any of it and paradoxically the only one who'd man up was Anjem Choudary refusing the nauseating BBC line of phony moderation and basically doing an Erdogan. What you hear from him on tv is what you hear from him on the streets whether as leader of his now defunct al Mujarahoon or his on-going Shariah 4 UK gang. However, that said, there's no getting away from it, he is an odious creep living on state benefit whilst damning those who provide it and he is dangerous but what about the other four million? You know those peace loving moderates just lurking beneath the slime of that pond of deception they've built and just waiting as the clock ticks its way to an Islamic midnight. We're not talking about a pumpkin coach and its snorting chargers here, this will be the full monte shariah, out, proud open and making dhimmis of us all. Watching the brief bit of news I could stomach, we're nearly there anyway but the good news. Just scan those reader comments and you'll guage the true Britain. We've had it up to our eyeballs with thieving, lying politicians who think that in courting the muslim vote it will swing their election outcomes. Google UKIP and see how far that not so subtle idiocy will get them. By the way, Cameron, pretty much vilified before all of this is now a pariah. He is toast.
If, after all Obama has done to wreck America and by his malignant ripple the rest of the World, Americans can still vote for this charlaton what chance is there? It seems that a strange affliction has descended upon significant numbers whereby a means justifying the ends mindset as long as it slants leftwards is now deeemed acceptable. Whether Fast and Furious or Benghazi, a compliant media is either dumbly silent in unspoken don't scare the horses tacit agreement or insanely shrill in condemnation of all who question their masters machinations. Truth has been superceded by narrative and narrative is not truth but a construct built on an interlocking raft of perceptions crafted to flatter the easily flatterable, gull the eternally gullible and insinuate it's way into the conflicting mental faultlines of the rest. A tide has turned whereby illogical pie in the sky insanity has now become the new sane and just like airhead fashionistas who believe in any proclamation on the new black, a wave of momentum is propelling this gross inversion amongst a significant enough number of citizens to believe the formerly unbelievable. They believed it in Europe whereby melting pot politics is now turning into a segregated, socialist nightmare with barriers which dwarf the old Berlin Wall being furiously erected wherever state control silences indigenous and national concerns. Result? Europe as known and loved as a caretaker and cradle of democratic civilisation is being ripped apart by a so called unity in which apart from the mad scientist machinations of self interested politicians is anything but. Islam, once deemed by Mark Stein as an east of the pond problem is now threatening America and all it takes is an hours worth of viewing of another more worthy Beck production, The Project to see how and why. Obama is not only shilling for the MB in places like Egypt and Libya but also right in the bowels of US decision making and if we are to believe the MSM it either isn’t happening or that no one cares enough for it to make their tawdry pages or our screens. It boils down to one of two scenarios. America rolls over and within a decade or two ceases to exist as a democratic lighthouse. Or? America fights this gross affront to its values and culture and reclaims it’s moral stature and place in the world. If I am to be grimly, teeth clenchingly honest in a putting money on it way, the way things are headed I’ll plump for #1. For whom the bell tolls, indeed.
Toggle Commented Dec 31, 2012 on The End at Atlas Shrugs
Sarah, you go into a lions den and start prodding them with sticks then guess what happens? This is precisely what you are doing here but unfortunately your self induced Islamic supremacist mindset has completely blinded you to any logic. Instead of thinking hey, this is America and what a privilege it is to have escaped the Muslim hell holes thousands are fleeing from, you attack the country which has offered succour and a standard of living unheard of in Islamoville. You bandy the word racism until it is rendered meaningless, quite ignoring the absolute prejudice your so called holy book recommends and which is so prevalent in the ME, Pakistan and Indonesia. If you doubt try reading the many horrendous accounts of Christian persecution, killing, beheading, burning alive and rape within the bounds of Islamic territory then tell me about a police officer having the temerity to even, shock horror, touch a 'sister'. Try telling your wailing sob story to an Afghan girl whose face has been burned off by acid, or has half a nose, the rest being sliced off by some 'uncle'. Her crime? Going to a school. Those are the normative standards of your creed which worships violence and giving pain. Which cuts heads off in slo-mo whilst the cameras are whirring. Which dangles gays from cranes. Which bans music and art. Which established slavery and a humiliating dhimmi system. Which lies with impunity and the comfort that it is sanctioned by the taqiyya rules. Which offers truces then breaks them at will via yet another nice little rule of hudna. Which sanctions a deceptive mindset in the land of the infidel during a period of weakness or 'Suhl'. Thats Islam and you can wail and lie all you want but facts are facts and even you arrested development cases cannot alter them. I'd suggest that it is you who needs to tone down those ugly threats. The worm is turning not only in America but everywhere Muslims settle and make their crazy demands. There's a common denominator linked to around ninety percent of global conflict and that's Islam. When not busy tearing yourselves apart you try it on here in the West. Look at the news. Read the blogs. It's all there as the rampage wends it's way across a fragile world. Up to now civilisation has accommodated you and your demands. We've offered excuse after excuse in the vain hope that some reciprocal unifying would take place. It's now becoming patently obvious that this is a futile exercise and all our welcome mat generosity is thrown back in our faces. This cannot go on. It's a busted flush and the whining is a busted record playing the same outdated song.
As they say, it's not paranoia when they really are out to get you. Similarly, if a phobia is an irrational fear, the term islamophobia is a completely false construct designed by Muslims and their apologists to mock and disparage those brave souls who not only see what their eyes are telling them but are not afraid to voice it. The truth is that for short term gain our politicians and mainstream media are playing a peace in our time game in the vain hope that by the sacrificial salami slicing of our culture we'll get something in return. When that 'something' is not a positive but merely the vague promise of keeping a lid on the tensions and inherent violence of multiculturalism it is not a bargain in any real negotiating sense but a creeping surrender to an 'or else' demand. This is not democracy but a capitulation by the majority to the aggressive pressure group posture of a highly vocal minority whose mindset is that of domination and an inbuilt inability to exist on equal terms with those who do not share its tenets. When we are offered the rare and under reported witnessing of the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, Pakistan and Indonesia we shrug and mutter 'that's what they do'. Our western thought process accepts that Muslims are the majority in those lands and who are we to interfere? After all, according to the relativists, all cultures are equal, quite deliberately ignoring the gross inbuilt paradox of applying equality to a sect which believes in the stark opposite. But here comes the cruncher. This 'when in Rome' mentality is all fine and dandy beyond the confines of what was once called Christendom but heaven forfend if we apply it to ourselves. In other words we have created the perfect lose, lose scenario of capitulation not only in foreign affairs but domestically too. To accept that Muslims have a right to exist according to their laws of sharia within their own domain can be construed as laudable pluralism. It, in effect is a form of religious political nationalism and everyone has a right to their own state. However when we apply those very same rights to our own majority nationalism we are called bigots. This is where we're at now. The Leftist/Islamo alliance has claimed the political narrative whereby Islam is the de facto dominant entity not only in Islamoland but also increasingly in the world of the infidel. Is this how it ends? Not so much as a bang. Not even a whimper. Just a welcome mat with the message, Take it. It's yours'.
vWhen the tsunami devastated Aceh, Western government aid, technology and the massive altruism of millions west of Suez a poured unprecedented sums of money and practical relief into the region. Not so fellow Muslims, and the relatively paltry sums offered by the oil rich states was quite a revelation considering that they are the very heart of the ummah. All very well, when those self same sheiks donate millions upon millions into US and European universities, Islamic Societies and mosques with an express purpose of proselytisation, radicalisation and the spread of wahabbi hardline ideology into the underbelly of a soft west. Christians are now persecuted in Aceh, as in most Muslim nations especially where authentic Islam is venerated. And the sectarian hate is growing. So much for gratitude. This little vignette illustrates two points. One, the tardiness of Arabs when helping their own does not serve an express purpose of propaganda. Two, how receipt of even the vast sums donated by millions of good hearted citizens in Europe and America does not alter the mindset one jot. Then there's that money sink AKA, Africa but that's another story in a league of its own.
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The Independent was referred to by another truth telling heroine, Melanie Phillips as a 'Sewer'. She's right. You must be doing something right, Pamela.
I hope those charges stick. How many times have our prosecutors caved at the first threat?
For an eye opening analysis of Orwell's 1984 read Anthony Burgess's 1985. The first half of the book deconstructs Orwell's prescient masterpiece, the second presents an alternative vision with Britain renamed Tucland (the TUC is in reality the Trades Union Congress) and run by a collaboration of socialists, the unions and Arabs. Sound familiar? Eurabia or Obama's vision for America spring to mind.
Without Choudary there'd be no al-muhajiroun which after being banned changed its name to islam4uk. These are the people who abused the local regiment's troop march through Luton after returning from Afghanistan. And amazement on amazement were actually successfully prosecuted. Following this disgraceful exhibition the EDL was formed. The hypocrisy of Islam knows no bounds. They take the kufr shilling then curse us. They lie and equivocate. They bandy words like context or blame others as we saw in this latest expose. Choudary doesn't do that. He plays it straight in the hope that our freedom of expression law and culture will shield him. Mostly it does but there's also a court of public opinion and each time the Daily Mail publishes these tales of his chutzpa the comment section fills. And fills, often reaching the thousands. I can tell you there's not much support amongst that lot whose learning curve gets steeper by the day. Those people also happen to vote and as we all know, nothing puts the fear into a modern career politician's venal soul than the prospect of losing what they regard as rightfully theirs. And there lies our answer. Ergo, let him talk. Give him the platform. His words may incite the muslim youth but they're already radicalised by the sick sly imported Deobandi's who hide in the mosques so no great awakening there. The awakening comes amongst the kufr who believed the official 'moderate muslim' line pumped out by the msm and officialdom and are now witnessing reality. And will vote accordingly, hence Cameron's sudden U-turn on multiculturalism. The battle is opening out. No more shadow play as the sides form their lines. Choudary failed to forsee this. He expected eternal dhimmidom but at last the worm is turning. All I can say is, good!
The world is indebted to Phil and Leonard Chess for giving Etta the break alongside Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley. And not forgetting the sidemen whose rock solid rhythm and sonic innovaton propelled these greats into the pantheon of American music. Hubert Sumlin, Jimmy Rodgers, Mat Murphy, Sam Lay now recognised as the guys who helped create popular music as it now exists. All unique. All ground breakers. All supremely talented. Chess is the ultimate textbook and reference of when it all started. A collaboration of two Polish Jews and Blacks who'd made that long trip from the South to Southside Chicago, the synergy was quite simply staggering and unrepeatable. Without that roster of talent Chess would be an also ran. Without Chess those musicians would be backwaters of blues and soul history. Just shows what true empathy and understanding can foster.
Toggle Commented Feb 19, 2011 on Very Etta on an Open Thread at Atlas Shrugs
Warsi attacks 'British bigotry'. Meanwhile in Pakistan, the place where most of these subjects of 'bigotry' hail from, we read this. '64 percent claim the United States is their enemy; 18 percent view al-Qaida favorably; almost 40 percent say they approve of al-Qaida's Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the Twin Towers' Or read any of these stories from Jihad Watch... UK: Muslim threatened to kill his cousin and harm her family because she stopped wearing hijab Honor killing in Pakistan: Muslim hacks wife, daughter to death on suspicion of infidelity Pakistan: Misunderstanders of Islam bomb school, killing two and wounding 14, including seven children Pakistan: Police murder Christian, threaten to kill father if he doesn't withdraw charges against them Musharraf: Pakistan's blasphemy laws must not be scrapped Infanticide on the rise in Pakistan Pakistan: Misunderstander of Islam murders 18 in passenger van And she has the nerve to talk of bigotry? Christians are being slaughtered around the Muslim world merely because they are Christians. Compare that with Warsi's flamboyant and florid fiction. Or do we excuse them because of ethnicity? Not quite up to speed with a modern, vibrant and diverse world? Stuck in a Seventh Century rut with nowhere else to go? No we can't because that is racist. Seems to me that every exit of rationality is barred by a self defeating political correctness where every critisism, no matter how slight, is the brand of a bigot. Then the cartoons? The demo's where Anglo Pakistanis threatened slaughter, beheading and even raping Danish 'war booty' women. Feel the compassion. Feel the gratitude that we allowed them to come here in the first place. If this is how Cameron's team are destined to operate it's one term for them and hello Mr Miliband.
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As an insight try this. Instead of White House read Miliband's cranium.
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2010 on Virtual author pens Miliband article at LeftWatch
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