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Somedays liberal, somedays libertarian sodomy-loving fun-obsessed Chicagoan - probably the embodiment of Ralph Reed's worst nightmare but shockingly kind AND good for the nation.
Interests: film, television, spending ridiculous times lusting after gadgets, british tv, thinking about writing longer stuff than this
Recent Activity
I know awards don't mean anything in the grand scheme of things, but it would be SO SWEET if OLTL wins anything over the still-broadcast soaps - especially since it actually deserves all the nominations it got.
2014 Daytime Emmy Nominations Announced Amid Zero Fanfare!
Y'all! I forgot this was even happening today. Mostly because I haven't been able to really watch much daytime TV lately and because I figured my beloved and twice-dead favorite show would be shut out completely. But that's not how this played out! (Not that there were many other surprises.) So ...
I never realized how much I like Thorsten Kaye because even though this sounds like the worst idea ever, I also can't wait to see this play out.
As Much As I'll Miss The Formal Scarves...
Guys, there is no way for me to break this to you gently and trust me, I've spent the past few minutes seriously considering the best way to do it--"I really love the Essie ridge-filling base coat and speaking of ridges..."? "Funny that you brought Thorsten Kaye up--you didn't? Huh. I must have ...
"that I'm doing the best I can to protect my family [hits himself in the chest..."
That's the international sign language symbol for one's family, you know....because that's where most people shoot their son.
The Grief That Keeps On Grieving
The Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Tour of Angst and Anger continued today and there was angst and anger aplenty. To refresh your memory, because he lives in a constant state of enraged hysteria and it's getting increasingly difficult to keep track of what has caused him to scream loudly and scrunch ...
Okay, I'm not sure about this Celia -- but there is nothing more soapy (and AMC in particular) to me than a rich girl kept away from society by an overprotective guardian. It's so AMC that I often forget and think it's Brooke's back story.
All My (New and Returning and Rapidly Aged) Children
The most ridiculous part of my day was not the sheer and utter GLEE I had at the return of All My Children and the way I actually squealed when the show opened with Brooke and Adam, because none of that is ridiculous at all. It's expected: Chandlers and Hubbards and Cortlandts are back in our li...
Is anyone else disturbed at how hot that picture of beaten up AJ is?
A Pile of New Favorites
I have a lot of new favorite things on General Hospital these days. A lot. But can you indulge me to just review a handful of them? - AJ is my favorite. Favorite, favorite, favorite. Was that not hilarious when he was all hunched-over, covered in blood, and back from the dead and he was all s...
Goth Opera -- It's Not Just a Doctor Who novel anymore*
So according to the nation's pop culture critics, America finally got... no, damnit...America HAS its own Susan Boyle with Andrew De Leon, the Marilyn Manson-liking, eye-liner wearing 19 year old who has allegedly never sung in front of people before... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2012 at Logopolis
How To Not Be Called Sinister
Never one to pass up a chance to help my fellow 'man', I'm going to offer Drew Peterson, free of charge, the services of Michael, Phillips, and McNamara (the new P.R. firm I'm starting in my free time) and present an invaluable 3-point media plan on How To Not Be Called Sinister. Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2012 at Logopolis
Awesome - if there was a definition of 'pure joy' in a text book, this could be Figure 1 to illustrate it.
Though I understand 'different strokes for different strokes', I'm too engrained in love of sports that I often just can't get those who don't see the appeal. That inability to understand is doubled (at least) looking at this picture -- how could you not want to feel that way?
(I am completely thrilled by proxy for your win.)
This is me when the Kings went up 3-0 tonight against the Devils: I sort of hover with excitement when the Kings score. I can't believe they scored TWICE on the power play tonight. I can't believe they won 4-0. I can't believe they are up 3-0 in the STANLEY CUP FREAKING FINAL. I can believ...
This is one of those awesome ideas that almost doesn't seem as awesome as it is because it seems so freaking obvious after somebody has done it that you can't believe somebody hasn't done this awesome thing before.* Looking forward to watching this.
* If there's an asshole-way to read that sentence, please don't. I mean the opposite.
This is my new show, Tabletop
Last summer, Felicia Day asked me if I wanted to develop a show together for her new premium YouTube channel, Geek and Sundry. Spoiler alert: I said yes. She asked me if I wanted to do a show about gaming, maybe a review show or something like that. "I think it would be more fun do somet...
Quit making me want to have kids, Mr. Wheaton!
In which I am a Trolldad
Ryan's home for the holidays, before he moves far, far away for his new job (hey, check out my son! He graduated college last week, and he starts a great job in two weeks! Go Ryan!!) The first night he was home, I told him that the warm covers for the bed he's sleeping on were in the dryer, so...
On the Existance of Kardashians, Computer Listeners Who Recognize Them, and the Entymology of Terms Needed For Description
So the Kardashians exist. That is the situation we find ourselves in. I can even say the phrase "So the Kardashians exist" into my phone's voice input, and thanks to the magic of Google, it can return the name spelled... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2011 at Logopolis
LogopolisMike has shared their blog Logopolis
Nov 3, 2011
Was this:
"the dark, seductive lady who acts as DM for a group of younger players"
ever truly something that people on the outside tried to convince non-gamers was happening? Because if so, I'm surprised gaming wasn't more popular because of it.
Just in time for Halloween: the animated Dark Dungeons
If you're of a certain age, you may remember the infamous Jack Chick tract Dark Dungeons. For those of you who don't, here's the tl;dr from the Escapist: Dark Dungeons is possibly the most widely distributed piece of anti-game propaganda in the history of gaming. It was first produced by Chick ...
Anybody who has a problem with former NFL players abusing prescription drugs should probably not watch the game, at least as a comfortable non-hypocrite, because your fandom is part of creating the atmosphere for the pain they are probably trying to suppress.
Payton -- redeemed but still not schoolworthy
(Updated and revised) I’m not about to throw the flag yet on Jeff Pearlman’s new book, “Sweetness -- the enigmatic life of Walter Payton.” Judging by the lengthy excerpt in the current Sports Illustrated, it appears to be a well written, exhaustively reported and balanced look at the complicate...
Yeah, I'm hoping that Adam is not doing well because he's been feeling super guilty that Stuart was murdered when it should have been him, and then it will turn out that David saved Stuart and then Adam will be all better and get his happy ending with Brooke after all.
(This would, of course, be ridiculous if the show was ending, but since it is, bam, happy ending. The ending of shows -- both AMC and OLTL have really made me think a lot about the genre in general and how 'endings' work when you have a story that doesn't usually end -- and then it does. It's sort of fascinating, even if it doesn't make losing 80+ years of combined history worth it.)
A Permanent State of Goosebumps
Having had the misfortune of glimpsing myself in a mirror after watching Friday's episode of All My Children, I am seriously worried for my future self and see a week filled with puffy eyes and smeared mascara and plaintive wails of things like "But I don't WANT it to be the end of Zach and Kend...
Great minds think alike. I read the same thing.
Maybe "great" isn't the right word there.
However, and I say this as a fan of The Game for the kind of TNG episode it was (entertaining, light, and fun) -- do we really need a spoiler alert that it would be #1 on the list. Again, no offense, but it's kind of a given.
The only way it wouldn't have topped the list is if Bart Simpson was making it. "What's going on here? Am I destroying these triangles or trying to assemble them? What's does this button do? Now my ship is pooping more triangles.Oh, no. I won a free game."
I am easily amused
So io9 did this thing called the 10 Suckiest Fake Video Games That People Play In Science Fiction. Spoiler Alert: The Game from, uh, The Game is number one. 1) Suckdisk from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Actually, we don’t remember this game having an actual name on the show, but “suckdisk” f...
I wouldn't have caught the thing with the shoe if I'd seen it -- but as a callback, it does seem like a show I wouldn't recognize.
Speaking of brain damage, I saw a promo where Carly and Jason get into an accident. If Garin Wolf has Jason Morgan waking up thinking he's Jason Quartermaine, I'm gonna be tempted to start watching this show again -- but only if just drives Carly CRAZY!
The More Things Change...
I had been feeling disconcerted about how much I've been enjoying General Hospital: Garin Wolf Shift this week; I hadn't wished for amnesia at all, and I found myself laughing at lines that were funny on purpose. It was, frankly, bizarre. So it was nice to be reminded that some things in this wo...
Jeez, Sonny don't be so modest -- you got one kid shot -- and you shot one. Don't sell yourself short.
Mallory, you are aware that there's a whole show based on interventions, right? Or can you not deal with real life pain? (That's my problem with it.)
"It Couldn't Get Much Worse Than It Already Is". Oh, Lucky, I Beg To Differ.
I had this very wordy, very irritated preamble to this post written before I finished today's General Hospital. I used lots of synonyms for "boring" and included a story about a hilarious Easter rant by my aunt Lisa (she is indirectly responsible for there even being a Serial Drama, since she in...
The baby is named Lucy like... the replacement baby Billy Abbott bought for his sad wife over in Genoa City. Weird.
(as if that's the worst, least original thing about this)
Putting On A Happy Face. For Now.
I spent the better part of this week with my nerves completely frayed, worried that the rumors would be confirmed and that All My Children would be officially canceled. The show's grisly possible fate had been discussed everywhere from Deadline to The Wall Street Journal to to the con...
Best wishes to your mom and thanks for informing me about this. The only other person I've ever heard about celiac disease from is Elizabeth Hasselbeck (yes, I watch The View sometimes; don't judge) -- and given how wrong I think she is on nearly everything else, it's always gone in one ear and out the other -- and I've probably been guilty of labelling it in the fad diet category (probably because someone was trying to sell a book about it)
The site is exactly what a website like that should be - informative, easy to navigate, and chock full of information. I like feeling educated/less ignorant.
and now, a word from my mother about celiac disease
When we were kids, it seemed like my sister was always sick. By the time we were in high school, my brother and I were convinced that she was the best con artist of all time, regularly convincing our parents that she just couldn't go to school, and could she please have some pudding. Well, as it...
Last night, I went to see John Water's Christmas show and during it, he spoke of many things - including all the things he wanted for Christmas (the most depraved of which I longed to give him) and the things he wanted to give his fans for Christmas (the most depraved of which I longed to receive); however, that list has now been replaced with instead a seat at that table. Also, a plate of bacon.
what is this i don't even
Apparently, a challenge was issued on EN World that went something like this: I see your Betty White, your Bea Arthur, and Estelle Getty and Rue McClanahan, and I raise you ALL of them playing D&D with Wil Wheaton in the middle of an iconic D&D bar fight, framed in bacon… Even though I haven...
New to Batgirl recently and am glad to see others mention it because I've thought it's been great. Really glad I picked up Osborne last month too and also glad you mentioned it.
My other favorite thing I'm reading is Knight and Squire (and pretty much anything Paul Cornell does.)
ZAP! POW! OOFF! ZOK! BIFF! A post about comics and TPBs.
A couple times a year, I have to go through all the comics and trades in my office and put them into long boxes that live in the attic. When I do this, I always end up pulling out a few trades that I want to read again, so now you know what I've spent most of my discretionary (note that I didn't...
Just for the record, in case anybody in charge is paying attention, I would watch episodes of the Mallory-paraphrased version of GH. Multiple times. And I would buy things from every advertiser (except perhaps the feminine hygiene products I would have no use for.)
Sweeps Dreams. Or Nightmares, Rather
This November sweeps is a far cry from sweeps periods past. Historically, sweeps have served as a way for the General Hospital writers to demonstrate to an ever-dwindling audience that there are no limits to the kind of craziness they can dream up (Examples: "Masked men hold a hotel hostage befo...
Weekend Recommendation: "You Got Your Film Festival in My Kink" "You Got Your Kink in My Film Festival"
Readers in Chicago should make all attempts to head to the touring version of the CineKink film festival Like all good portmanteaus, the name on the tin describes it well. CineKink "[celebrates and explores] a wide diversity of sexuality, the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at Logopolis
This comes as no surprise to me.
I moved to Louisville for a year right out of college (while my boyfriend interned at the Actors Theater there*) and was shocked to find when looking for employment that in Kentucky "tobacco-smoking status" was (and still is) a protected class along with race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, and familial status.
I can only imagine how the GLBT community in Kentucky trying to get employment non-discrimination legislation passed must feel every time they look at that list. That said, if "tobacco-smoking status" is protected, then, at least, one would imagine that "but being gay is a choice" isn't an argument that holds much water.
* That's more detail than was necessary, but whenever I say I moved to Louisville after college, a "why?" nearly always comes out before I finish the sentence.
'Marlboro Country' closer than you think
According to this interactive map, Kentucky is the smokin'est state in the union, with nearly twice the percentage of daily smokers as Texas. Someone needs to tell Robbie Fulks that no, North Carolina isn't "The Cigarette State"
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