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Matti Deigan wrote: "Minecraft communities (Yogcast) have stuffed 2600+ users into a single server. And that's already an example of being able to connect multiple worlds together on a single server with teleporting between the worlds and services using portals…. Can that be then considered a metaverse as well?"
I consider Minecraft to be the first breakthrough virtual world, created by its users, a prototype-metaverse perhaps. A new generation is accustomed to playing, creating, communicating, watching, listening, and reading via Minecraft. That children and teens are having formative encounters with games, online social experiences, and user-generated content across media platforms through Minecraft suggests that the future for virtual worlds is robust. As youth grow accustomed to participatory imaginary worlds in which they can communicate with friends, customize avatars, create, play, share information, have fan experiences, follow characters and stories, compete in games, and strengthen media and computer skills in order to show off to and compete with their peers, they bring the elements of virtual world participation into everyday life. Since Minecraft emerged organically from single-player games into user-generated multiplayer synthetic worlds and a community-created virtual world, the experience of Minecraft is an experience of agency and empowerment.
The load tests in High Fidelity are significant because High Fidelity is working on a distributed model in which users own their virtual spaces, yet they are still part of something bigger and can be connected. It's the infrastructure of a metaverse, the crucial components of architecture and currency. So load tests are about pushing what servers can do, to strengthen the building blocks of what can become the metaverse.
Is Dual Universe Closest to Being a True "Metaverse"? Virtual World Expert Who Helped Define the Term Says So -- And Not Sansar, High Fidelity, Etc.
After saying I was impressed by High Fidelity’s ability to get 350+ avatars in the same local metaverse space, a guy who actually helped define the metaverse told me that he wasn’t very impressed. Will Burns, Vice-Chair for IEEE's Virtual Worlds Standard Group, showed me this video from 2016, an...
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Oct 14, 2018
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