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i think it would be cool to have girls apply to be a part of your shows, and travel with them somewhere, and let people experience what you get to..while they can take you to their world and lives and you can live through them. its a win win situation for both people, it benefits all because we live the lives we are given but who wouldnt want to live through a celebrity and celebrities im sure would appreciate some normalcy?
I'm curious to hearing your thoughts. I am getting...
I'm curious to hearing your thoughts. I am getting ready to shoot my new show and I want to hear your opinions. What are some of your show ideas that you would like to see me in? Comment below and let me know. xoxo Paris :)
Cool contest, your line is going so well for you! =]
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Posted Feb 22, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Lolaxmarie is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 22, 2010
Lolaxmarie is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 22, 2010
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