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No sir....Ur an idiot.. unlike u I don't believe in everything I hear so I do I said check Keys twitter @keys_theproblem before u talk out the side of ur neck..Lil Kim did not write it Keys was her ghost writer for that shit..Black people will never get newhere unless they READ & do research on shit.. so fuck u an the slave ship u rode in on u ignorant coon..(yes I'm black and ima college student)
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Forget the whole name I'm biased I love Kim & Nikki but Khia is a pure hater shes's always been 1 since the wacjk Miss. Rap Supreme. People fail to realize Nikki didn't just pop up she been on her grind for 7+ yrs I remember her music page on myspace she paid her dues do I think she changed for mainstream HELL YEAH & do I think she corny HELL YEAH but I still support her because she's a good artist. But to each his own..oh and. Kim didn't write the black Friday did that rap chick KEYS wrote it don't believe me check keys twitter page @keys_theproblem sad but true atleast Nicki writes her own raps and has proof she does. So I do believe Nicki can handle Kim lyrically. Kim hasn't been known to write her own ryhmes she just got put on..unlike Nicki who put in work to be where she's at & people still give her hell people need to do homework before they talk shit
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Nov 30, 2010