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Will Marquardt
Interests: just about anything outdoors, bird hunting, but especialy fly fishing, backpacking with my wife, and watching my sons play baseball.
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Mar 15, 2010
Dear Save the Cutts, Thanks for your comment. I'm pretty sure that you did not mean to insinuate that my taking of the cutthroat trout was illegal. In case you did mean that, you are wrong. Cutthroat trout, and all of our God given natural resources, should be jealously protected for future generations. There are areas where cutthroat should not be taken and where they are not legal to harvest. As a general rule, high mountain lakes do not fit into this classification. I am a regular fly fisherman and have never, never kept a trout of any kind out of any river in the state of Colorado. On occasion when my wife and I backpack, we keep 1 or 2 small cuts or brookies for dinner caught in high mountain lakes. We praise God for the privilege of eating these fish and we know that we are not negatively impacting the resource. Generally speaking, as I'm sure you can tell, I'm with you. Catch and release is the way to go. Will Marquardt