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A Blessed Life
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Power of Prayer Do you sometimes feel powerless? I...
Power of Prayer Do you sometimes feel powerless? I have a dream, one day God will bless me with fortune and I'll be able to share it and fix all of my loved ones problems. Right? You know the ole, "When I win the lottery, this is what I'm going to do with it.." dream. In today's society, sometimes I find myself wishing for that everyday. There's always someone I want to help, someway I wish I could fix their pain. What I've come to realize is that wish... the fix... is prayer. It's not money, it's prayer. Why do... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2010 at A Blessed Life's blog
What's your dream job? Are you qualified for it? If not, would that stop you from taking it if it were offered to you?
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Posted Jun 7, 2010 at A Blessed Life's blog
I titled my blog "A Blessed Life" for a reason....
I titled my blog "A Blessed Life" for a reason. Here's just one of my many examples I'd like to share with you. Turning 30! Ha! I'm sure we all deal with milestones in different ways. Of course there are those who cry and dread turning old, or those who could care less and embrace their new age. As for me, it was a little of both. Here's how it started: "I'm turning 30! I have no boyfriend, no husband and am not any closer to starting a family!" So that was my sad, I'm getting old moment, but that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2010 at A Blessed Life's blog
What A Year
2009. What a year! I still can't believe everything that happened. I have to say though I, through much long thought, have narrowed the year down to two amazing events I'd like to share. The first happened in June. My parents live in South Dakota, and after a three absence they finally came back out to Las Vegas to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. It was so wonderful. I had saved up my tax return money and splurged for a whole week on the Las Vegas Strip in a room with a view of the Bellagio Fountains. The trip though... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at A Blessed Life's blog
The Best Family in the World! I truly am blessed...
The Best Family in the World! I truly am blessed with a family filled with love. A little over 4 years ago, I was faced with a rather difficult decision. I was living with my parents at the time in Sioux Falls when I was offered a job out here in Las Vegas. Through much prayer I decided to take a leap of faith and move. I felt it was what God had in store for me. However, it meant limited holidays with my family. Fast forward to 2009. I'm getting used to not being home for Thanksgiving. For some... Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2009 at A Blessed Life's blog
Moments In Zeus. Ok, yes Zeus is a Greek God, but...
Moments In Zeus. Ok, yes Zeus is a Greek God, but it's also the name of my car. My good old 2002 Chevy Cavalier that has been driven through so many miles on roads through many states. However, since we've (yes, the car and I) have been in Las Vegas it's become quite the transport machine (because that's fancier than calling it a Taxi!). Yeah, while I coach and teach, I also help my friend the parents get their kids to and from these activities when I can. It can be quite the ride! I've got two moments for ya.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2009 at A Blessed Life's blog
The Xpress. Welcome to the Xpress. Twelve 9 and 10...
The Xpress. Welcome to the Xpress. Twelve 9 and 10 year old girls who want to be soccer players. However, this isn't your average group of girls. They're simply amazing young little women. This past weekend, they even made me cry. So, after our final regular season game we had our soccer party. The parents, who organize it, had a great idea. Have each girl say something to each coach about how much they appreciate them. During my turn, I heard things I didn't expect. Every girl had something wonderful to say, but the one that will stick with me... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2009 at A Blessed Life's blog
I love you. It's a phrase you can't hear enough....
I love you. It's a phrase you can't hear enough. However, it's a phrase that can stay with you when it comes from certain people in your life. For example, the other night I'm on the phone with my friend let's call her "Super Mom"... because that's what she truly is. In the background I hear her 9 year old shout out "Hi Miss Leah"... you know... so I know she's there. It's what happens a few minutes later that warmed my heart after a hard day. When "Super Mom" tells her to go to bed she shouts "Good night... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at A Blessed Life's blog
The Leaner. I'm an Assistant Soccer Coach in...
The Leaner. I'm an Assistant Soccer Coach in Henderson, NV. Go Xpress! For the past two seasons now, one of our players has created this habit I find quite amusing. This now 10 year old always seems to gravitate towards me whenever we're in a huddle, but it's what she does when she finds me that is truly laughable. She leans! Hence, her nickname "The Leaner". It's quite adorable too. She could be on the opposite side of the team huddle but will move, every time, in order to find me so she can lean. If you're wondering, do I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at A Blessed Life's blog
Coming up with a name for a blog is hard! After...
Coming up with a name for a blog is hard! After deciding to write about my favorite moments in life, and yes the hard ones too, I suddenly have to be creative too? What's that about? So, I think to myself... well my life is pretty crazy so why not call it "My Crazy Life"... but then I think why do I need to call it crazy, when really it's a very blessed life. So here I begin writing about all of the stories in my life I feel are worth sharing and hope in some way may bring a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at A Blessed Life's blog
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can...
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at A Blessed Life's blog
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Nov 18, 2009
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