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there is mandatory sentencing in place for felons, the only exception is when you cooperate with the federal government
Clo-fresh commented on 'T.I. Reportedly Clocks In Studio Time, "Why Wait For 2010, Get It In Now"'
LMAO!!! I just found something very interesting...Now, if this Plies getting locked up by the fedz rumor turns out to be true, that's gonna be some funny as shit, being just last week when sohh posted the TIP gets released to the halfway house, i told niggas that niggas in the A better watch they...
Lossynphony is now following
Dec 28, 2009
I have been thru alot of situations, but people got to be honest, you dont get that amount of time for guns with silencers. My dude this was a FED bust.
T.I.'s Halfway House Living Conditions Revealed
Details on the new living conditions for rapper T.I. have been revealed and show the Grand Hustle head being stationed in an Atlanta facility also accompanied by a share of females.
All I have to say is checkout the federal guidelines for sentencing, for a felon, whith the charges he pleaded guilty to. TIP makes good music but he decided to cooperate to lessen the sentence, people need to except the facts and move on. Hopefully he can continue to make good music, but he is a fake like most of these rappers unfortunately.
T.I.'s Halfway House Living Conditions Revealed
Details on the new living conditions for rapper T.I. have been revealed and show the Grand Hustle head being stationed in an Atlanta facility also accompanied by a share of females.
Lossynphony is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 24, 2009
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