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Lost Bird Found
On a tiny island in a big ocean
Pretty maker.
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I've moved my blog! Come on by and visit! Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2012 at Lost Bird Found
Can you tell I'm behind with the whole world? I love these childhood photographs that Sebastiaan Bremer altered. Also. The outfits. These remind me a little bit of Rylie's "Pollock phase" which means lots of paint splatter ALL OVER her brother's bedding. Did you know he is her favorite? We had her play a game at the MOMA in NYC this summer and told her to find the Pollock which she had learned about at preschool. She found it. She can spot them anywhere now. Im sure she could even spot a fake. She met another Santa this weekend after... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Photography by David Newsom. Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
As promised. If you are reading this it means that she is officially ours. Okay okay. I have to post one more. See what you can do become a foster adopt parent. It has been an amazing experience for us. Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
I just found this. Its amazing. I think that when people walk into my office I just need to point to the poster and then say "Do you still want to talk to me about work?" Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Photo by Kate Miss. Please help support Kate and Will as they battle medical bills for Will's chemo without insurance. Beautiful people, beautiful work. Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Oh I really like Mark Lazenby's work. A lot. Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
I promise to remember how my hands felt when I found out on the phone that you are almost ours. I promise to remember how hard it was to promise you that I would be your mama forever before I even knew because there wasnt any way that it couldnt actually be true. We love you Little R. Pinky swear. Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
I had to print out photos for Henry's real actual birthday (today) for school. This one just makes me want to bite his face (in a nice way). Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Something happens to your heart when it is in the hands of others. When your future as a family is dependent often on people you have never met. Long story short we have to wait several more months to make her ours, even though by most accounts she is ours...I swear I stop breathing for a full minute when I think of the tiny chance she could be taken back even though the chance is so small. Its hard to trust the people that are "looking out" for her when they screw up so badly in just a simple way.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
You held a rock up to your ear tonight, 2 miles down the dirt road at the lake house and put your finger up, signaling me to be quiet while you talked to the person on the other end of the phone. I paused, waiting to hear who you were talking to and when I finally did you told me that you were talking to your mother. I hope that, when you read this later you can understand a little bit how my heart hurt when you said this. You looked up to me, with your tiny voice and sweet... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Posted Jul 6, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
When you are adopted by a parent, one or both parents there is a sense of loss that you carry around with you. There is this feeling that you might have done something to terribly wrong as a person that caused your parent(s) to abandon you. No matter what your new parent(s) might do or say to you to assure you that they do in fact love you (a lot) a part of you still might be unsure especially when your sibling is their full biological child. As a child and even sometimes now I ask my father to tell... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Happy Birthday Maddy! Henry and I made this mix for you! Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Sometimes I feel bad when I tie Hugo the dog up outside or he waits for me in the car but the look on his face is so cute. I love these photos taken by Martin Usborne. Dont you? Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
These are the songs that have been in my head for days upon days. Now I will insert them into yours. The whole Shut Up, Dude album is amazing. This video freaks me out but I cant stop watching/listening to it. Dutch rapping is awesome. But it makes me dizzy thinking about it. This Greek born Nigerian artist is amazing. Anyway. Im letting the kids curate next Monday. They have some awesome favorites and great theories. Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Been a case of the barfs around here. The upside is there is a lot of bed time. Im the last one standing. So far. Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Oh I find this so sweet. Found this print by Aled Lewis via my super awesome friend Cornelia over at Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
I have tried to write something down over the past two days. To somehow catalog how I feel. Last week, the world lost a talented, wonderful person. I hope that with the passage of time, the world doesnt too soon forget her. There are dark and light thoughts racing through my head at breakneck speed, there are moments of quiet where my heart speeds up and panic hits. Im sure that better words will come around to me. For now, Ill take the quiet. For now, Ill think about the better parts of her life. Take care of yourself, take... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
I'll be the first to admit that when Jitesh first contacted me about my tote bags I thought it was a prank. It wasnt. The Tote Bag Book is out and ready to ship. We are super excited to see ourselves and get inspiration from others when we see our copy. Of course, lovely photos were taken by Karen Wise In honor of this we are offering free shipping on our site! Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
This is so awesome. Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Making lots of cookies is HARD. Luckily Annie sent me some treats for just the teachers. We are working on her super cute site right now. Cant wait to launch it. Little R had a heart dress (of course) and I cant show her in it, I wish that I could! I sewed a little heart on Henry's shirt last night and he was SO excited to wear it. He is such a nut. Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Sort of like when you see an x-ray of yourself and think "Wow I have a lot of parts." via Pinterest. Camera bits by Todd McLellan. Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
I seriously love this song. The chemistry, the voices and simplicity. Music was so much better when you didnt have to be model hot. These two are totally hot but would not have a cameo on a tween Disney show any time soon. This song will always make me think of the world's most depressing Valentine's Day mix that my friend Ben and I made. A song that my husband and I both just realized is one of our favorites. He tells me that Cat Power ruined Smog but whatevs. Love Cat Power. Need to add that while I was... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at Lost Bird Found
Promises to Henry and Little R if he wore big boy underwear. Little R is "helping" us train Henry. My son will do anything for a donut. He will even make moves to acquire his next donut at the expense of his sister. Hosted my first meeting and Thor attended it with me. One hour of quiet, yes please. Ive only ever been to meetings at other peoples homes or at camp. Can't figure out if we should paint the walls, we traded rooms with the kids. It's very yellow. Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2011 at Lost Bird Found