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Writer, creative nonfiction fan, Buddhist, human.
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Are Buddhism and Competitive Athletics Compatible?
Buddhism fascinates me. I’m learning a lot about it and have developed a fledgling meditation practice. I also discovered tennis a few years ago, and watch a lot of pro matches. I’ve also taken some lessons and started playing a bit myself. Which leads me to a dilemma. Are Buddhism and competiti...
Well put, Matt. Getting beyond dualistic thinking is not something I really comprehend, but that is at the crux of Buddhism.
Are Buddhism and Competitive Athletics Compatible?
Buddhism fascinates me. I’m learning a lot about it and have developed a fledgling meditation practice. I also discovered tennis a few years ago, and watch a lot of pro matches. I’ve also taken some lessons and started playing a bit myself. Which leads me to a dilemma. Are Buddhism and competiti...
Glad you liked the post, Dana (and that you found it three years later - impressive!)
A Hyphen-Free World
Argh! I just can’t stand it anymore! I’ve been doing this purple-bracelet “stop complaining” exercise for almost three weeks now (and am on my record 5th day of not complaining) but I can’t hold it in any longer because every time I look at the half inch of rubber encircling my wrist I want to...
Well in that case, it's not so good. We are usually carving our pumpkin on Halloween afternoon or maybe the day before if we're really on our game, so they don't get a chance to go moldy :-)
Don't throw away that Jack-O-Lantern!
Most people do not know that when your Halloween pumpkin has finished his duty on October 31st, you can cook him up for delicious pies and breads. It pains me to think of all the pumpkins thrown away in November. As with Mom's Chicken Stock, this is something Mom taught me to make with the stuff...
California Pacific Airlines Magazine articles
The inflight magazine for California Pacific Airlines, available at Palomar Airport and in The Landings Restaurant at the airport, has two of my articles: a travel piece on charter sailing experiences from and a Q&A feature with San Diego Tracking Team Senior Tracker Ann Hunt. Go to my Portfolio... Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 27, 2011 at Louise Julig
I've heard from people who did read the entire book that the excerpt was indeed the most controversial part, that in the book she describes how her methods worked flawlessly for her first daughter but not so well for her second, and that she had to adjust. It certainly did get everyone talking though!
What Chinese Mothers Can't Teach
“One of the most eye-opening parenting articles I have ever read, and sort of making me feel like garbage.” The tweet and accompanying link caught my eye, so I read the linked article, titled, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior,” by Amy Chua, on the Wall Street Journal’s online site. Here’s a s...
Thanks, Marla! And yes, you are spot on. I will still be weaving those elements of kindness, curiosity and humor into my new blog, so many of the things that people have told me they love about Thoughts Happen will continue. Thanks for your encouragement this weekend on the Two Days to Write intensive.
For Every Blog There Is a Season: The Evolution of Thoughts Happen
When I started Thoughts Happen in September of 2008, I had no idea where it would take me, but I knew I needed to write, and write often — for an audience. Magazine articles, my first love, are wonderful, and it’s great to see those bylines, but I had too many things I wanted to get into words a...
Thanks for the comment Elizabeth! I'm glad you've found writing down what you do to be a helpful tool. It takes some discipline, but I think it's more than worth it.
How Do You *Really* Spend Your Time? Only one way to find out
I spend a hell of a lot of time on things I consider Maintenance. Maintaining my body, my home, my car, my business, my family's well-being and my personal and professional relationships takes a huge percentage of my waking hours. It was quite eye-opening to discover this. And I found it out ...
Thanks for the comment, Ingrid. It's surprising, isn't it, when something that in another context would be considered a pest instead stirs our compassion.
A Bee, Compassion, and Me
The bee was wriggling erratically on the concrete just outside the front gate of the school. It caught my eye the way things do that are not right somehow. I wore khaki pants, and was heading home after volunteering that morning, back when I did such things, when the PTA reached out its wantin...
I think you hit the nail on the head, Shirley. Thanks for commenting!
How Do You *Really* Spend Your Time? Only one way to find out
I spend a hell of a lot of time on things I consider Maintenance. Maintaining my body, my home, my car, my business, my family's well-being and my personal and professional relationships takes a huge percentage of my waking hours. It was quite eye-opening to discover this. And I found it out ...
Thanks for the comment, Chris. And I know exactly what you mean about searching for the perfect app. Often looking for a way to do something easier can be an incredible time waster! There is a point of diminishing returns at some point and you just have to cut your losses and go with the low-tech, old school solution. Let me know if you do it - I'd love to know how it goes.
How Do You *Really* Spend Your Time? Only one way to find out
I spend a hell of a lot of time on things I consider Maintenance. Maintaining my body, my home, my car, my business, my family's well-being and my personal and professional relationships takes a huge percentage of my waking hours. It was quite eye-opening to discover this. And I found it out ...
Thanks for the comment, Chris! And yes, I know exactly what you mean about searching for the perfect app. Finding a way to do something an easier way can be an incredible time waster! At some point there is a point of diminishing returns and the low-tech, old school way is your best bet. Good luck with the project, and post again when you finish.
How Do You *Really* Spend Your Time? Only one way to find out
I spend a hell of a lot of time on things I consider Maintenance. Maintaining my body, my home, my car, my business, my family's well-being and my personal and professional relationships takes a huge percentage of my waking hours. It was quite eye-opening to discover this. And I found it out ...
That's awesome! I love that she is still in the scene as she ages (gracefully!)
Lauren Hutton Has Always Been Totally Bad-Ass
In the course of her interview with Michael Kors for the September issue of Interview magazine, Lauren Hutton shares the story of how she was sexually harassed by a bunch of Mad Men at a 1965 casting call: KORS: I know you’re not a television person at all, Lauren, but have you ever seen Mad...
Yes! And there is a funny story about that. I was giving a talk to my daughter's 7th grade class for Career Day about being a writer. My daughter had told me that this particular teacher was pretty strict and ran a tight ship, but it seemed to be going pretty well. Then a student asked what was the hardest part about being a writer. I immediately thought about having to go through the Shitty First Draft phase, but of course I knew I couldn't use those words, so instead I said something like, "well when I sit down to write something, I usually think that the first draft is pretty crappy," and then I went on. Afterwards my daughter said that nobody could believe I actually said that, and she thought the teacher was going to "poop a brick," because apparently "crappy" was Not Ok to say in class. But the teacher never let on, and thanked me sincerely (at least I think so) at the end of class!
When the Sh*t Hits the Page
I adore notebooks. Writing longhand bypasses my inner critic in a way that really gets me going, so I not only collect them, but fill them with what I lovingly call Crap. Notebooks full of crap might be the key to my (moderate) success so far as a writer — maybe I should trademark that and call ...
Thanks, Alex! You never know what will catch on, I guess ...
When the Sh*t Hits the Page
I adore notebooks. Writing longhand bypasses my inner critic in a way that really gets me going, so I not only collect them, but fill them with what I lovingly call Crap. Notebooks full of crap might be the key to my (moderate) success so far as a writer — maybe I should trademark that and call ...
Yes, I was originally going to get some notecards, but when I saw the notebook I couldn't resist. Plus this way I don't have to give it away!
When the Sh*t Hits the Page
I adore notebooks. Writing longhand bypasses my inner critic in a way that really gets me going, so I not only collect them, but fill them with what I lovingly call Crap. Notebooks full of crap might be the key to my (moderate) success so far as a writer — maybe I should trademark that and call ...
Website copy: My Practice, for Financial Planner Dan Osgood
via About Me pages are one of my favorite things to do. Here's another one that I did for Certified Financial Planner Dan Osgood that he calls "My Practice." Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 22, 2011 at Louise Julig
Oh my! It would be hard to top that. Thank goodness your husband was in it for the long haul. And congratulations, by the way!
Hot Potato Cold: A lesson in going with the (nasal) flow
It was just a little tickling in the back of my throat while I slept, a little dryness that wouldn't go away. Unperturbed, I drifted back to sleep under a skylight framing the Northwest sky fringed by towering conifers of the San Juan Islands. I was on vacation, and not going to let a little tic...
Funny, I'm reading a book right now called "The Sound on the Page: Great Writers talk about Style and Voice in Writing," that argues that Srunk and White had it all wrong, at least as far as producing stylistically interesting writing. Grammatically correct and clear writing, yes, but dry. So maybe she had the right idea all along!
The Periodic Table of Me
The small, rectangular piece of formerly white paper is folded into thirds, its photocopied letters and numbers disappearing at the creases from years of friction. The top edge is smudged and crumpled; the paper feels soft, like a broken-in slipper. Photocopied onto the paper is a miniature Pe...
Website Copy: About Me page for Professional Organizer Denise Levine
via Denise Levine is a very organized person. I like that, because I like to be organized too. I jumped at the chance to help Denise re-do her About Me page on her website for Outside In Organizer because I wanted to know more about how how she got... Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 11, 2011 at Louise Julig
Jennifer this made me laugh - I can totally see you having a Chem. notebook bonfire ;-) And I didn't know you were such a geek at heart! Don't feel bad about being an anti-hoarder — you will be better off than us natural hoarders as we all get older, I think. But it's funny that your daughter seems the opposite. Mine is not sentimental about stuff like that at all yet, and prods me to throw things away.
The Periodic Table of Me
The small, rectangular piece of formerly white paper is folded into thirds, its photocopied letters and numbers disappearing at the creases from years of friction. The top edge is smudged and crumpled; the paper feels soft, like a broken-in slipper. Photocopied onto the paper is a miniature Pe...
Glad you liked it, Stacy. When you think about it, it's kind of a miracle if any of us end up doing what we thought we would when we were in high school. Things seemed so certain then, but I'm kind of glad they weren't as certain as we thought. Leaves more room for surprises.
The Periodic Table of Me
The small, rectangular piece of formerly white paper is folded into thirds, its photocopied letters and numbers disappearing at the creases from years of friction. The top edge is smudged and crumpled; the paper feels soft, like a broken-in slipper. Photocopied onto the paper is a miniature Pe...
Thanks, Doug. I appreciate it.
Mating for Life
The pelicans streamed in front of our boat in a single-file line, skimming the surface of the water so closely and so gracefully that they would make any surfer envious. They kept coming, in a stream — a ribbon of birds floating above the waves, heading south. Over a hundred of them there must h...
Clients in the News: Gluten-free cookbook helps those with celiac disease
via Elizabeth Kaplan's cookbook, "Fresh from Elizabeth's Kitchen," which I co-copyedited, was featured in the Food section of the North County times recently. Click the link for the full story. Continue reading
Reblogged Jun 18, 2011 at Louise Julig
My understanding from the Sakyong and other Buddhist teachings I've read is that we are always meditating on something, by that meaning placing our mind on something, even if it is for a short time and not what we would traditionally consider "meditating." Making a conscious decision on what we are going to meditate on, whether it is the ebb and flow of our breath or how to squeeze a few more nickels out of some unsuspecting sucker, is what determines the quality of our life and those around us in the greater world.
How is Meditation Like Marketing?
Meditation — Marketing. It doesn’t seem that there should be any connection between the two. Think of a meditator and you probably picture a person sitting serenely cross-legged on a cushion with his or her eyes closed, hands resting gently or holding a pose with thumb and middle finger lightly ...
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