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Thanks for the reminder to appreciate the Toys 'R Us years while they are here. I have two young girls who have scoured flyers (courtesy of their homecare provider who also delivers ad packs) and have provided me/Santa an itemized list that can be (mostly) met there. I'm off (gulp) tomorrow after work. My husband even volunteered for Sparks pick-up so I could "focus" on this. I figure it'll be busy, but done. Right?
That said, I know the young years are fleeting and, while tiring, pretty awesome. Thanks for the Xmas view from the other side!
Memories of Christmas...
I went Christmas shopping for my kids today at Toys R Us and came out with - nothing. Which honestly, is making me sort of sad tonight. I remember, only a few short years ago, when all my Christmas shopping for my children could be done there. Legos, Polly Pockets, Hot Wheel Sets and Barbies o...
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Dec 14, 2015
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