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I don't mind being different.
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In addition, none of my predictions have come true, but they have given me hope that possibilities and dreams can come true.
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A vicious cycle of negativity…? I am a single, 30 years old female who has a great job, house, and car, but suffer from depression. I have always had an unbelievable amount of faith to encourage others through hard times. For the last year, I have been trying to keep a smile on my face and stay positive. I have read a lot of self-help book, exercised, made vision boards, and found hobbies to keep myself busy, but I am still alone at the end of the day. I have been going through an extreme metamorphosis spiritually, and have begun to question my faith. I have no friends, family, or lifeline of support. I struggle with daily task and have a large amount of obligation. I am on the break of it all, but I am still here. I have not complained, I have cried in privacy, but I have not complained. Obviously, I still want to believe in a source higher than myself, because I am still here... The readings I get online are for hope 100% of the time. It is not always about negativity or bitterness... Sometimes we have a life cycle that we just have to play out. Believe me I am so optimistic that it is unrealistic. Bad things happen to good people. It is a test of faith sometime in the pursuit of happiness.
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I tried connecting more with the tarot and the scrying mirror. Now, I just meditate, rest, and work on my patience. Jumping right in the conversation. I have read with Kinsey several times.. She is a high demand! I have "never" had a prediction to come to pass concerning the matters of the heart, but I think Kinsey may have been on to something. She started my reading by saying: "You just need confirmation right?" I said, “Yes.” She quickly told me about myself before we came close to the topic of love. Then she gave me dates, times, events, and said that I would be a Bridzilla "NEXT YEAR"... I will start a family almost immediately after the wedding! Hmmm, I can see the Bridzilla thing because I’m a tad bit anal, and I'm definitely ready to stick the "baby on board" bumper stick on the car, but I’m not even dating anyone. She said not to worry, he would walk right up to me and introduce himself. When our eyes connect, we both will feel at home. He would also state an "affirmation" to confirm it all. It will be a pleasant surprise from God. God is a true theatrical artist. I think he likes to see a little drama and passion, surprise then action!
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As a child and adult I had ultimate faith in "god" and would praise his name and give thanks to "god" for everthing. Now... I do not put faith in "god" anymore. I believe in myself and treat others well. I care so I give to others, but I've learned hope can be paralizing. Whenever any of you get a personal call from God... let me know. Maybe I'll starting believing in him or her again.
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LimeLight is now following Psychic Maryanne Ext. 9146
Jan 29, 2010
LimeLight is now following crazycancer
Jan 29, 2010
LimeLight is now following Faith - 9608
Jan 29, 2010
LimeLight is now following Psychic - Jesse - x9027
Jan 29, 2010
LimeLight is now following Abigail Ext 9570
Jan 29, 2010
LimeLight is now following Liam at ext. 9290
Jan 29, 2010
LimeLight is now following Joy ext. 5142
Jan 29, 2010
LimeLight is now following Psychic Verbena, extension 9615
Jan 29, 2010
LimeLight is now following Account Deleted
Jan 29, 2010
I am a single, thirty year old female with a load of responsibilities that has me in rut. In the past week, I have received an unexpected amount of debt. This month I resigned from my part-time job to pursue my masters in Education: Guidance and Counseling, which was a true act of faith on my part. I am not satisfied with my current job, but I am grateful that it pays the bills, but not enough to get out of debt without paying for interest in three folds. Last year, I spent a great amount of money on starting... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at LimeLight's blog
Hello, I have a story that involes something different about predictions. For a year I was paying a bill that I felt was truly unjust. I spoke with company over and over again trying to clear the debit to no avail. I prayed on it a week ago and ask that God to lift the burden. The following day I spoke to two psychics in reference to the debt I had been paying and both said that they didn't believe it would not go on my credit, but I would get six weeks of harrassing phone calls from the company. I thought immediately, no way. I didn't need that in my life experiance. So I prayed once more with complete faith. That next morning I received an apology e-mail from the company's director stating that the debt of $2,700.00 had been cleared. I thanked God for answering my prayers! I felt that a higher Source took control of the situation. Predictions can change within a matter of minutes or 1 day. I began talking to spiritual advisor a year ago, and none of my predictions have come true yet, but I expect those great things to happen in good timing.
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Thank you for that story. I'm happy for you. I'm still waiting with high hopes.
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How important is Retrograde? I realize that Saturn retrograde is five months long and there is much caution about love and communication around retrograde. The blog reads to think about love after retrograde. I'm not sure about astrology so I thought I'd ask.
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I am just hearing of it. She deserves a break. Twenty years is a long time. @ RuthAnn, Oprah is one of the very few that hold ownership of her network show and contract. She is really is the "Queen Bee" of talk tv.
Toggle Commented Nov 21, 2009 on The End of Oprah?! at California Psychics®
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Thank you for your story.
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As child I had many phenomena experiance and many were not peaceful. It was very frightening actually. My dad also saw ghost and would get very angry if we left doors open. I felt some taunted me just because I knew they were there no matter where I was. In high school, I was pulled from my bed by my feet and hit the closet door. That was the day the taunting had to ended. I stood my ground. I told it, "Look, I'm up now, but tonight I'm getting back in this bed and I'm going to sleep so you have to leave." I slept peacefully that night. Good thing my family is really in touch with the spiritual world. When I told them, I was snatched out of the bed by the feet they did not deny it. Today, I realize many of those visits I was receiving as a child were from those that did not crossover. I am empathic and can pick up energies easily, but I do not attempt to contact. I know my guides and angels are watchful (I am very grateful). If I get visitor now I know how to close the door (figure of speak).
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2009 on Rules of Contact? at California Psychics®
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I have had one in the past. Interesting that each life I have come to help children, and have never completed my goals. It is a working progress for me each life to accomplish this task. I also understand now, why I "had" this fear of being surrounded by a body of water. In a past life, I drowned at the age of 19, while fishing at the riverbank. I wondered away from the tribe who were also fishing and the tides pulled me under. I immediately remembered a fishing trip with my grandfather by the riverbank at the age of ten. I had wondered off by myself to a spot I felt suited to fish. Immediately after I casted my fishing line into the river, it caught on to something sturdy at the bottom. The harder I pulled the more it felt like I was being pulled into the river, so I stopped. I remember putting my pole down, and telling my grandfather I was done for the day. I sat near his car, far from the riverbank and wait there until he had finished. As interesting as this may be the more information she continued to give me about my past life the less I wanted to know. The deaths of my past lives were a little discomforting so I rather live happily in the present.
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LimeLight is now following Account Deleted
Nov 14, 2009
I have never been able to share my body or heart with a person that will not commit. I guess that's why I've only been with two people (PROUD OF IT TOO!) LOL. It does not bother me because I looooooove me. I am told my body is as precious as his last name. How fast is he willing to give up his last name? I will be thirty this month.
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2009 on Friends With Benefits at California Psychics®
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That is wonderful!
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THAT'S AWESOME! I feel in my heart that that is how a reading should be! I agree with Miss Krystal by taking heed to some suggestions. Sometime ago, Ms. Vee suggested that I read “the wisdom of Florence Shovel” and I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I know I can be so optimistic that I seem unrealistic at times, but that is how I keep my faith. Everything will always workout even dark hours. The words faith, hope, and grace have extraordinary meanings and tend to shed light for me! (Smiles) Thanks! Many Blessings to you.
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