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I'm a mixed media artist with a passion for history and old things.
Interests: We enjoy going to flea markets and antique shows to pick up odd wood and metal items to use in our artwork. Lou has collected vintage photographs all her life and wrote a book for collectors on the subject.
Recent Activity
-you will be the fasionista of Italy! Seriously-beautiful work and can't wait to see your photos in your dresses touring everywhere! Have a fabulous time. ~Lou
Toggle Commented Sep 14, 2011 on ARRIVEDERCI at ad libitum
loumcculloch is now following
Feb 1, 2011
loumcculloch is now following Dianne Carey
Jan 11, 2011
loumcculloch is now following Karen Owen
Jan 11, 2011
loumcculloch is now following Joanne Huffman
Jan 11, 2011
loumcculloch is now following Jean Field
Jan 11, 2011

Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2010 on Charity Artwork Forsale on Ebay at Metamorphosis
Wow, a great class and of course you have mastered the first exercise- beautiful work! xo Lou
Toggle Commented Jun 16, 2010 on FIRST DAY OF NEW ONLINE PHOTO CLASS at ad libitum
Beautiful GD's- look at those dimples! Love Ya, lou
Toggle Commented May 12, 2010 on HAPPY EASTER!!! at Altered Visions
So beautiful- the necklace and the butterflies! Glad your friend made it back safely to Denmark with all the 'ash' out there! xo Lou
Toggle Commented Apr 30, 2010 on BUTTERFLIES AND A BAUBLE at ad libitum
loumcculloch is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I can sooooo taste that margarita! Wish I had been there, but I am a faux jewelry person. I am taking a Keith Lobue class next October and can't wait! Hugs, Lou
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2010 on ADORN ME DAY, DAY 4 at ad libitum
Thanks, Leslie! Will try to do this-love your art too! ~Lou
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2010 on Kreativ Blogger Award at Leslie Wood's Arts
FABULOUS!!! Congrats Cece!!!! xox Lou
Toggle Commented Nov 25, 2009 on Belle Armoire Jewelry at A Whimsical Notion
FABULOUS-OF COURSE! Love your tree affects and the calmness of all of them. Have a great time at Art Unraveled! xo Lou
Oh JOANNE, BEAUTIFUL RESULTS FROM YOUR CLASSES.I so wish I could have gone-and I would have taken the same classes!!!Hopefully next year! xox Lou
Wonderful finds, Beth. Love the transfer ware and the 'bone' dish is hard to find! I want to go shopping with you!!! And congrats on your trip to Oregon! xox Lou
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2008 on I'm addicted to Junk...... at Vintage Sweets
1 reply
I've been doing a similar thing, but with Mason jars for all my brushes. By the way, I want to shop at your booth!!!! Great stuff Beth! Also, I want to go antiquing with you! Oh wait...I've done that. I want MORE!!! xox Lou
Toggle Commented May 31, 2008 on Shelf of vintage sweets at Vintage Sweets
1 reply
Loved yours, Beth!!! Felt like we could all 'fly' in our classes! xox Lou
Toggle Commented May 31, 2008 on Rainy,cold Mother's Day at Vintage Sweets
1 reply